Men following GCF by woodrup in GenderCritical

[–]Shizuki79 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Fellow male and long time lurker checking in. While never participating in discussions, I've been quietly reading along since basically its inception. There is hope. I know many people who, in private, share my feelings about the issue at hand. Not that I or they have any issues with the trans-folk, that's not it at all. But behind closed doors, we agree that "trans rights" coming at the expense of actual women is not okay in the least. Of course, such a thing can not be discussed out in the open, out of fear of censure, but you'd be surprised how many people are opening their eyes. I'm not sure what I was actually trying to say when I started writing this post. I guess it's that all hope for sanity is not lost yet. I give you an example of this, that happened recently:

I work for a decently large government corporation in Canada. The type of company that's in the public eye 24/7. Last year, as new management took over, in an attempt to be more "inclusive", every single female only space got converted into a PC "gender neutral" space. Bathrooms, change rooms, locker rooms, showers, the whole deal. It didn't take two weeks until there was such a shitstorm brewing that not only did we make it onto the local news, but also a good amount of female employees threatened to resign and leave over it. I'd post the news article, but I'd like to remain somewhat anonymous here. While a not insignificant amount of employees shrugged their shoulders over it, not seeing the big deal, the rest started open conversations about it sharing and expressing their opinions to management and everyone else. Why should only women be the ones to suffer from this ordeal? Why not take the male spaces? Anyways, I realized just how many people were NOT okay with such an incredibly dumb move on the companies behalf. Even my male coworkers agreed that it's not only dangerous, but also incredibly backwards. Long story short, after an insane amount of backlash, management reversed their decision (wow), and shortly thereafter construction on a third set of bathrooms, change rooms, locker rooms etc. began, so that those who don't conform to either gender can have their own space, which is the only sensible solution to such an issue.

I guess I'm trying to give you some hope. Not everyone drank the cool-aid. Approach this subject with a group of people, and for whatever reason, you get very different answers than trying talk to people one on one.

r/terfisaslur, r/GenderCriticalGuys, and r/LGBDroptheT all just got banned by [deleted] in GenderCritical

[–]Shizuki79 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

/r/detrans gone as well, just the mere thought of some people seeking support to get back to normality is too much to bear, this really really pisses me off.

JK Rowling just spoke again. She's fighting back by Lilith_Fair in GenderCritical

[–]Shizuki79 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I think anyone with half a brain can see that she's right. To brush everything off as 100% non-concerning and safe is completely foolish. Of course there is going to be long term effects, and unforeseen consequences. To silence everyone who raises a concern about safety is mad, in my opinion. No medical treatment is completely without risk of harm, and the people who undergo the treatment have a right to know about the risks they're subjecting themselves to. But oh no, can't talk about that, because apparently it's transphobic. What a mad world.