LOLLLLL I've been gone for 3 mos and you guys still haven't hit 3k subs. 😂😂😂 wow by ShibaInu in GenderCritical

[–]ShibaInu[S] 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I'm a little threatened by Google's plan to deprecate third-party cookies by 2020, yeah. Otherwise, really pleasantly surprised at how much more toothless yall are than I expected. Wish I could go back in time and tell kid me that, sometimes, the world's actually not so bad.

No posts on here? Just 3k comment karma, at the rate of a 1k/mo, on a website with barely any traffic?

You seem lonely. Do you comment on every single post?

LOLLLLL I've been gone for 3 mos and you guys still haven't hit 3k subs. 😂😂😂 wow by ShibaInu in GenderCritical

[–]ShibaInu[S] 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I know the only things you see about trans people are internet creepshots posted by extremely online TERFs, but that's not actually the whole of the sum. Turns out Real World Life is, like the internet posts it makes, also full of people who don't feel obligated to be bigoted about benign attributes. It dates your age just a tad to act like "real life" and "the internet" are fully separate places - but it's a given that learning more and evolving with the last 20 years isn't your personal area of strength.

Virtually every trans person I know is living their best life tbh. I might be an average joe - but I've got a wife, kid, house, supportive circle that accepted me as I am, and a few passions. So hey.

A trans woman is governor of Vermont at 26 years old.

Hope you're half as happy and successful, but that last sentence isn't bringin much hope tbh. :)

Sorry bud. Better luck next bigotry.

LOLLLLL I've been gone for 3 mos and you guys still haven't hit 3k subs. 😂😂😂 wow by ShibaInu in GenderCritical

[–]ShibaInu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

yeah nvm, everyone but you

unless you harass trans people, support harassing trans people, or actually like those burgers where they use donuts for the bun. if so, deal's off. I don't make the rules.

LOLLLLL I've been gone for 3 mos and you guys still haven't hit 3k subs. 😂😂😂 wow by ShibaInu in GenderCritical

[–]ShibaInu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I, too, often enjoy projecting my shitty experiences (and unreliably one-sided-story) with a tiny number of individuals onto everyone else in the same group of millions of people, as a monolith. This is not at all the exact same fundamental basis for racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, islamophobia, and virtually every other form of bigotry.

Please, keep talking. You're so convincing, and don't at all sound like someone who genuinely would benefit from the therapy suggestion if they aren't going already.

Whatever those rights are.. Probably the right of not being fired of their job, denied education or oportunities because of their sex?? Oh, wait a minute..

...yes? Those are definitely included? Lol. Paused in the middle of the predictable, tired laundry list of "everything didn't revolve around me, and sexism is a pervasive global problem, and so I now blame that on trans womens' presumed genitals because I'm fixated on those" just, are these rights supposed to sound unreasonable? Are we pretending that transphobia's solved because of that one textualist SCOTUS ruling - the exact same way homophobes grump about "gay rights" because "you can marry, so you have enough rights now".

It would also be cool to be able to consistently expect things like accessible health care, legal recourse when bigots commit hate crimes, and the general ability - for women in particular - to live their lives without undue fear of violence from people like you.

I like how everyone besides one person who commented has awkwardly ignored the actual topic here. Which is: why this site's dying. And your general movement.

You don't even wonder why your support is dwindling? You never go "hey, look at this comment that's angry at the new guv for 'queering' childrens' libraries" and realize "oh wow, that's actually really homophobic"?

You never see fellow TERFs bullying minors and go "uh oh, are we the baddies?"

Or are you just okay with it, as long as trans people get thrown under the bus? (At some imaginary end date, when suddenly everyone'll stop tuning you out as hateful loonies.)

The post about GC getting banned still has more upvotes than their whole saidit's member count...lmao by ShibaInu in GenderCynical

[–]ShibaInu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

As if every single citizen voted and absolutely zero online poll manipulation was involved. doubt.jpg

Trans women who transition take estrogen; after enough time, their testosterone levels are nil, and their body composition redistributes likewise.

Same's true in reverse for trans men. It's almost ironic how thoroughly TERFs completely ignore the actual imbalance - of boys and men like Mack Briggs being expected/allowed to compete in womens' sports.

Kids don't transition in irrevocable, permanent ways - they socially transition with clothes/pronouns, and they get blockers. If they decide they aren't trans, they stop blockers and puberty resumes. Blockers have been in use since the 70s. My cis nephew took them to delay puberty that was starting too early. Pretty safe stuff.

Once the public realises most TIMs are heterosexual males who never had GD and still have their junk you can say bye bye to public support. We don't need sock puppets, most of the public agree with us.

Yeah, just like incels believe that someday the public'll all realize that women are the real enemy, and everyone'll go full Handmaid's Tale instead.

Just like anti-vaccers believe someday everyone'll "wake up", realize they're right, and reject modern medicine.

Just like racists believe everyone's secretly as racist as they are.

The world's shifting in the other direction tbh. Just like with gay/bi rights. When I was a kid, I didn't (knowingly) meet a trans person until middle school. Nowadays, my entire personal circle's at worst apathetic, and at best enthusiastically supportive. Hell...SCOTUS upheld trans rights this year.

That imaginary doomsday clock isn't going to suddenly count down to everyone shuffling backwards towards "gender binary mandatory, trans women bad". Sorry.

There's female rapists, female murderers, and female assholes across the spectrum of douchebaggery. Some are trans; some are cis. The only difference is that the cis ones aren't held up as proof that all cis women must be predatory.

Most of what I saw in GC was so insistent on being anti-trans that it circled back around into being traditional sexism, tbh.

"Women aren't tall! Women don't have body hair! They don't have broad shoulders! They aren't sexual! Women are all waifs and/or walking vaginas."

Glad the world's moving away from that, rather than towards it.

For everyone - not just cis women.

The post about GC getting banned still has more upvotes than their whole saidit's member count...lmao by ShibaInu in GenderCynical

[–]ShibaInu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Wow, that's a whole one-sided echo chamber.

It's almost like the cost-benefit analysis of "spend your free time debating a community of reactive bigots about why you deserve rights" just isn't stellar. That's time that could go to supporting trans brothers, sisters, and siblings instead.

Thanks for the invite, though!

The post about GC getting banned still has more upvotes than their whole saidit's member count...lmao by ShibaInu in GenderCynical

[–]ShibaInu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Nah, the mod removed it because this sub was transparently started by GCers hoping for a honeypot. Oops, guess I hit a little too close to home. That's okay - I already said just about everything I had to say. Thanks for reading it!

It's also nice of you to recognize how thoroughly you were dunked on, though. Not my words - yours. :)

(Dunking on people and laughing at them are quite possible to do at the same time. Look at me, exhibit A.)

I'm not a trans woman, sweetheart. Aww, but I thought your kind could "always tell"?

Better luck next time. Sorry you're so rustled, though!

The post about GC getting banned still has more upvotes than their whole saidit's member count...lmao by ShibaInu in GenderCynical

[–]ShibaInu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I'm laughing at you, sweetheart, not seething. Projecting just a lil there?

I'd say "get well soon", but both of us know that's not going to happen.

The post about GC getting banned still has more upvotes than their whole saidit's member count...lmao by ShibaInu in GenderCynical

[–]ShibaInu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Poor bigots. This is even lonelier than when all of the "peak trans" posts in GC were just online interactions that vaguely included human contact.

Sometimes I like lurking there just to remind myself what caliber of person spends their free time wailing about trans people being allowed to live open n' proud.

Don't worry, lil maladjusted weirdos. You'll break 3k sooner or later! Maybe try making more sockpuppet accounts.