A developer on Hexbear, a far-left Reddit clone, is leaving the site in disgust. Why? The users aren't far enough left for her. "This entire site needs some massive introspection before I will come close to calling this place “leftist”." by Chipit in whatever

[–]Pink2 5 insightful - 3 fun5 insightful - 2 fun6 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

How would you feel if you have been trying to spread freedom for years and no one listened?

The collapse of the USA is stunning.

In 1913, the income tax was said to only to apply to rich people. Now the income tax is for everyone.

In 1982, checkpoints were started just for drunk drivers. Checkpoints where then used for seatbelt, safety, driver licenses, and viruses. Now there are checkpoints for any reason.

In 1987, everyone laughed when people said that one day Russia would be free and the US would become the Soviet Union.

You might feel regret now if you ignored the advice to buy gold in 1990 and invested in a 401K instead.

In 1993, those who warned about jack-booted thugs and black helicopters were called nutjobs.

In 1999, those who said that the government were wiretapping their phones were said to be crazy.

You would feel regret that you didn't buy Bitcoin when it cost $3.

In 2021, the world explode.

This is not a possibility. The collapse is certain.

There will be mandatory vaccines, guns will be outlawed, cash will be banned, and the stock market will collapse.

There will be inflation.

The Internet may be shut down, concentration camps might open, and WWIII might start.

There is no way 9/11, the 2008 crash, and this virus will end well.


The Adverse Effects of Experimental Messenger RNA (mRNA) "Vaccines" a.k.a. Injections For COVID-19 by OperationQ in WorldNews

[–]Pink2 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Those who say that they hate the elites sound like hypocrites when they turn around and say that the globalists must be obeyed.

France, Italy may restart AstraZeneca COVID vaccinations by KaiEdwardBannon in Europe

[–]Pink2 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Americans think that banning cars is wonderful because no one has a car.

Marranos (Jesuit Crypto-Jews) Taken Control in Spain and Burning Down Churches and Monasteries Catholic Organ in Vienna - 1931 report Note: This entire report was originally not meant for publication (only found in archives - see image 2) by Jesus in conspiracy

[–]Pink2 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

One way that the elites promote tyranny is by saying the USSR was a paradise and Dodge City in the Wild West was a dangerous place filled with nutjobs.

President Harris and I by Touchngo in conspiracy

[–]Pink2 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Free countries allow voluntary choice. Police states use force.

Nazis and Commies think that capitalism is cruel because a painter might fall off a ladder or voluntarily agree to work for $1 per hour. Libertarians think forcing a doctor to be a painter is cruel.

Fascists and Marxists think that they are kind for supporting welfare, but Libertarians believe slamming a gun against the heads of hard-working taxpayers to fund welfare for the lazy is cruel.

Nazis and Communists scream free speech is bad, but Libertarians think censorship is evil.

Nazis and Communists insist that companies that photograph customers are cruel. Libertarians think governments that unconstitutionally wiretap citizens are evil.

Nazis and Communists swear people should be arrested because they might get sick. Libertarians think everyone should be responsible for their own health.

Nazis and Communists say you can only get rich by inheriting money. Libertarians think people can get wealthy by working smart.

Nazis and Communists say prices are high because there is only one company in the world. Libertarians believe regulations and debt lead to inflation.

Fascists and Marxists say that they are victims and companies are cruel. Libertarians believe businesses have a vested interest in having good public relations, you can boycott bad companies, and only governments can arrest people.

Nazis and Communists believe that morals come from the government. Libertarians think that you can learn morality from your family and church.

Fascists and Marxists think prisons are paradises. Libertarians believe prisons are hells.

Ezekiel (The Book of Ezekiel Visual Bible) WEB | Bible Movie - YouTube by christnmusicreleases in Movies

[–]Pink2 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Americans hate freedom with a passion.

Americans will vehemently attack anyone who dares criticize their beloved government overlords by shouting “fake news!” or calling patriots spammers, trolls, shills, bots, racists, junkies, retards, nutjobs, pedophiles, hippies, foreigners, terrorists, faggots, fatties, CIA employees, traitors, Communists, or Fascists and demanding that the truth-tellers be censored, banned, get IRS audits, be arrested, or be killed.

Libertarians will be told that they are not Libertarians and promoting liberty means that they are irrelevant.

The USA deserves everything coming to it.

The Grid - Swamp Thing by muellermeierschulz in music

[–]Pink2 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The vaccines are untested, don't work, may have microchip implants, and cause paralysis, infertility, and death.


Mccarthyism intensifies. by ReeferMadness in conspiracy

[–]Pink2 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)


Americans are so depraved now that Americans say that mandatory vaccines that kill people are just fine because the lives of others don't matter.

Coming to Terms With Colonialism: Belgium's Africa Museum by BillyMildish in Europe

[–]Pink2 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Your life is over.

The elites say that they want everyone to live in a safe and clean world with welfare, but the ruling powers will turn the entire world into North Korea.

The 1% don't want you to have religious freedom, free speech, gun rights, property, and privacy. The ruling class wants to torture and kill you without a trial.

9/11, the 2008 crash, and this virus will not end well.

Last year had the virus, lockdowns, riots, the thrown election, and capitol protests.

The globalists will accelerate everything because people are waking up.

The ruling powers control the media, Hollywood, Wall Street, and the government.


The US is not a democracy and everything is illegal.

We're getting down to the wire now.

You don't have decades or years to prepare for the US collapse.

Are you going fold, flee, or fight?

There are mandatory masks now.

The electricity has gone down.

There will be mandatory vaccines by June.

There will be mandatory anal swab tests.

Guns will be outlawed.

Cash will be banned.

The stock market will crash by October.

There will be inflation.

What will you do when stocks fall by 90% and bread costs $100 per loaf?

The Internet may be shut off.

Move to a small white town in South Dakota or buy a sailboat today.

Buy gold, food, guns, and ammo.

Get involved with secession and sanctuary cities.



Join a militia.


The Communists might join the US military.

Nazis will prepare for the civil war to become a race war.

Anarchists might just lay low.

Go Galt like the Amish.

Pass the word.