

In the future men will go in to simulations designed to be indistinguishable from reality where they can have anybody they want
Mcheetah 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun 9 hours ago

Nah. Freedom to have fun and be happy, even in a fake virtual reality, is considered "problematic, homophobic, transphobic, and ableist," dontcha know? Zuckerberg, Musk, and Gates would never allow it, cause even Brave New World had Soma.

Am I the only one who feels like we're living in some dark, dystopian, alerted timeline and that we missed the "future" we were always told we were supposed to have by the 2020s with flying cars and moon colonies and shit?
Mcheetah[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun 10 hours ago

One could argue either Conservatives are the "resistance" that's been confined to living in sewers and being "canceled" and censored; although conservatives are often just as bad and moronic as the woke left, especially on retarded shit like abortion/pro-life.

(Hell, Conservatives' dumb-fuck, mentally-braindead opinions on pro-life and religious dogma alone makes me lose respect for most Conservatives; they look at this shitty reality we're living in, all the illegal immigrants flooding America and Europe, the lack of decent parents currently existing - themselves included - and think, "Hey, let's add a billion more unwanted, unloved babies into this fucked-up world that's falling apart! ...All while we have recreational sex and engage in as much selfish hedonism as the woke left! Forcing a generation of future serial killers and rapists to exist and be abused by their unwilling, reckless, retarded parents who never wanted them, out of our own selfish hypocritical virtue signaling views on abortion, while we talk shit about 'niggers, kikes, Jews, trannies, and faggots', will make the world much better! WE'RE NOTHING LIKE THE PHONY, HATE-FILLED, VIRTUE SIGNALING LEFT AT ALL!")

But in reality, the resistance are likely going to be the silent majority of Normies. Shit just hasn't gotten bad enough for them to finally snap out of their PornHub, OnlyFans, marijuana, fast food, social media comas yet. You know; bread and circuses. Although the Democrats have been doing a good job of that in 2024 with how fucked-up their cities have become. Getting stabbed on the subway or having your own home "legally" stolen by squatters will piss people off enough to finally get violent and enact revolution... At least until they get comfortable again.

Like I said before, my generation, Millennials, are fucked. Useless throw-aways. And most soy-filled, cowardly, pronoun-respecting Zoomers stand no chance, either. If anyone's going to 'fix' humanity, it's going to be Gen Alphas, all the kids who were currently born within the past 12 years. They may stand a chance of dropping this left-wing/right-wing selfish horseshit.

Is there anyone here who isn't completely useless?
Mcheetah 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun 10 hours ago

I fully agree. My whole point is, I still see some hope in humanity getting back to being a useful productive member of the society and world they live in. It'll probably just take something catastrophic like World War III, a new ice age, a true global pandemic like the bubonic plague, or an actual alien invasion, in order for them to do so.

Even if someone like me were to go successfully assassinate Klaus Shwab, Larry Fink, Xi Jinping, and Kim Jong Un tomorrow, the mindset of being lazy and selfish, that's been fostered over decades of luxurious living, would still be around. Believe me; I spent my whole twenties trying to be an inspirational person and world changer, and was fallen on death ears because most people didn't "get it" and didn't care, choosing to be selfish and decadent, rather than actually care about each other. I'm just one person and not even rich or good looking; what the fuck can I do against such odds? This is why I'm complaining about it on, of all places.

This species is kind of fucked, but I haven't exactly given up yet. Just don't know what else will save these creatures from their own sad, pathetic "Children of Men" style extinction (which has already begun with incels and feminists growing in numbers and people choosing not to reproduce nowadays; myself included.) I know they say "All you can do is worry about yourself," but shit, even finding love and a true relationship in this fucking dystopia we live in, is impossible nowadays unless you're already part of the physical or financial 1%. We're kind of past the point of no return, now. I'm guessing 9/11 was the catalyst, cause that's when this Culture War/Active Measures/Great Reset shit of destroying humanity really began (if not the JFK assassination; who really knows when it started.)

Is there anyone here who isn't completely useless?
Mcheetah 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun 16 hours ago

Me. But unlike actual useless people, I don't need to brag about supposed achievements or productions of value in my life over the internet, especially on a site mostly filled with Neo Nazis. What I do in my job and for others in my life (while getting nothing in return from it, cause they're mostly just using me) proves to myself I'm not just another selfish taker who gives nothing in return.

I get what you're saying though and agree in the sentiment that 90% of people or more, are useless, selfish parasites to the species as a whole, especially and specifically anyone who would refer to themselves as "average." That is the most disposable, worthless, valueless trait a human being can have and I have ZERO respect for anyone who would value themselves so uselessly. To devalue their own worth with such a word. Even bad people and terrorists "contribute" more to the world than selfish parasites who only just consume, shit, and exist, but literally contribute nothing for the species, positive or negative, beyond consumption of resources.

That is what "average" is to me: being insignificant and a worthless parasite of a human being. The human brain is capable of so much thought, art, intellect, and beauty, and yet the majority of people nowadays are parasites eating, shitting, and wasting oxygen, consuming and giving nothing back to society, while getting high on weed, jerking to internet porn, being on welfare or illegal immigrant benefits, or doing pointless no-skill "jobs" literally AI or robots would be better at doing.

Anyone - ANYONE - can give back to society by being a great friend, mother, father, brother, sister, coworker, neighbor, etc. You don't have to be a doctor, lawyer, cop, teacher, soldier, etc., to contribute to society; you just have to not be a selfish, lazy piece of shit. And most human beings in the modern internet age of sloth and narcissism, are exactly that, even in third-world countries right now. And most of our species in the First World have become the space humans from Wall-E.

Self-improvement, effort, and wanting to be a better person who helps others, are seen as "problematic," "racist," and "ableist" nowadays and you're told to just be a useless piece of shit and "consoomer" of products and worthless garbage, while doing literally nothing to make the species, or yourself, better because you'd rather live with your parents, smoke weed, jerk off to PornHub and OF, play AAA garbage games for 12 hours a day, and bitch about "niggers, spics, Jews, trannies, white people, Trump supporters, incels, misogynists, homophobes, etc." on Saidit or Twitter daily, and still think your life objectively "matters" for some reason, because social media echo chambers told you so.

And yet if I were to point this out to others, 90% of them wouldn't understand a single thing I just typed here. Humanity should've had fucking moon colonies by the year 2024 and yet we have TikTok, OnlyFans, and woke culture. I'm both an optimist and pessimist; optimistic to what humanity can and should do, but pessimistic to the reality of what actually is.

So no, I'm not another useless person, but it's damn hard finding others who share my sentiments. Rant over.

10 minutes of "Verifying you are human. This may take a few seconds." to post a reply in over the top
Mcheetah 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun 16 hours ago

I was told anything that isn't Chrome or Edge would block the site that badly. Chrome maybe, but there's nothing in the world that can get me to use Edge; literally the worst browser ever made. I'd sooner use Internet Explorer than Edge, or Bing. Besides using Chrome or Edge, nothing else can improve performance.

10 minutes of "Verifying you are human. This may take a few seconds." to post a reply in over the top
Mcheetah 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun 16 hours ago

I already asked them this. The site owner adamantly said "No." Guess we're stuck with this fucking "reload literally every sixty seconds" shit for the foreseeable future. Me having to use this fucking site with two tabs open all the time, and having to reload the second one and click that motherfucking tiny captcha box, just for it to not unblock the site anyway about 1/3rd of the time after doing it. ...Seriously; it's literally every fucking 60 seconds for me the site is blocked. I have to type all my thoughts at once, then reload the second tab and go through the Cloudflare strap-on fucking before I can actually Save or Submit anything on here. Even with Ublock Origin turned off.

These people on reddit sounded like horrific people when talking about incels
Mcheetah 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun 17 hours ago

The people of the job subreddit I talked about were married and in their 30s and 40s. Mentally handicapped they might be, but children they are not. People who engage in life-ruination and Cancel Culture over the internet or IRL because someone they've never met or talked with before didn't have the same extreme-left politics as them, can get fucked by karma 100%, yeah.

And if you're referring to the OP of that post, I never bothered to check her age, but she's still a pretty terrible person who's mother failed her if she's laughing about her dad like that.

These people on reddit sounded like horrific people when talking about incels
Mcheetah 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun 1 day ago

You're surprised Redditors are some of the shittiest people alive? These MF'ers tried to dox me on a job subreddit years ago because I asked a question about job hiring. Had absolutely nothing to do with politics or saying anything offensive and they literally went out of their way unprovoked to dig up three years worth of back-post history to find out I "supported Donald Trump" by voting for him, and didn't like the idea of transpeople teaching kids in schools and libraries. And they tried to dox me on the sub for that, to get me fired. But they got my name wrong and was off by a mile. Oh, and this was a fucking moderator who did it. I was shocked they'd go to that extreme because all I did was ask a simple question. They assumed I "must be evil" and probably spent more than an hour "digging up dirt" to smear me, when I had never interacted with any of them before this. It was beyond malicious and unnecessary.

Seriously. I will say 100% that Redditors are some of the few non-violent people I would have no problem seeing murdered ("hypothetically.") They are literally some of the most cruel, vicious, insane, extreme-left people I've ever dealt with in my life. And they permeate every aspect of the site, even non-political subs. The fact they were willing to do that implies to me they're likely psychopaths, pedos, or rapists in real life. Not even literal sociopaths are as immoral as Redditors and Reddit mods.

So yeah, no shit they'd be happy about doxxing and death-threatening people, then PRETENDING to disapprove of it while cheering it on. Everyone's forgotten about it, but these are the same people who drove porn stars to suicide because they didn't want to get STD's from homosexual degenerates in their career. Then cheered and partied once they were dead, but still act like they're the "good guys."

Here's the same waste-of-semen who started that post you linked, laughing about her own dad's misery in another post, by the way. Bet you everything I have she's a "blue-hair" (fourth wave feminist.)

These people on reddit sounded like horrific people when talking about incels
Mcheetah 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun 1 day ago
  1. Expecting any level of morality or decency on Reddit, is retarded enough itself to already be an active member of modern-day Reddit.

  2. Every society needs its boogeymen. Whether it be justified, like with Nazis in the past, or unjustified, like with "conservatives and Trump supporters" or "Russia" nowadays.

  3. The most judgmental people are often the most shitty. I myself judge actions and behaviors ("hate the sin, not the sinner"), but awful people often judge people as awful. As long as you're not a kid-diddler, molester, rapist, scammer, felon, cheater, or abuser, I can't really hate you as a person.

  4. Inceldom is becoming normalized in modern society, but under slightly different names and (let's just say) 'less pathetic' identities. The Red Pill, MGTOW, The Manosphere, Anti-wokeness, Passport Bros, or just simply not putting up with awful women's shit anymore. The word didn't have the same negative connotations as it did back in 2016, when I heard every shitstain female student on my campus using "incel" and "pick-me-girl" every other word.

So fear not: We're winning the Culture War, but the enemy has more money, power, and influence still, so it's long from over. Blackrock won't give up that easily. November 2024 will really tell how the tides will turn.

Mcheetah 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun 1 day ago

They actually meant to to say, "Whoa, man!" But yeah, the gaslighting continues.

Irish townspeople burn down building that was to house incoming migrants
Mcheetah 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun 1 day ago

That is awesome.

Am I the only one who feels like we're living in some dark, dystopian, alerted timeline and that we missed the "future" we were always told we were supposed to have by the 2020s with flying cars and moon colonies and shit?
Mcheetah[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun 2 days ago

We're more like a mix of Idiocracy, 1984, Escape From New York, and most of all, Demolition Man. Hell, I did an entire series on what a realistic remake of Demolition Man would look like. That's the most accurate movie future we're living in, but without the John Spartan, sanitary Three Seashells system, or Taco Bell/Pizza Hut monopoly. Idiocracy had a happy ending and the people in that world were happy and free even if they were as stupid as your standard Progressive Zoomer, so we're living a far worse timeline than that.

Why are americans such bad people?
Mcheetah 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun 3 days ago

To summarily dismiss something because "all sources that don't agree with my statement must be bad" is just a poisoning the well type of argument.

Except I literally never said that and you're strawmanning me over some TDS nonsense. All of Wikipedia sucks. It's edited by people with a bias and agenda and gatekept by those same people that don't allow edits that go against their viewpoints. It's no more credible as a resource than Reddit or CNN. They're mostly just opinions. Like I said, I don't really care enough about this to keep arguing about it. I think you just really hate Donald Trump, which is ironic cause you're giving him more attention this way, when I don't even really care about this.

Why are americans such bad people?
Mcheetah 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun 3 days ago

Yeah, and the sources cited at the bottom usually aren't valid, unbiased, well-researched, or credible. So Wikipedia provides summary articles of biased and often inaccurate or false information, which was my main point. And I'm not even trying to defend Trump here; you're just taking one comment way too seriously.

Why are americans such bad people?
Mcheetah 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun 4 days ago

Wikipedia is anything but a valid or unbiased source. Regardless, my comment wasn't that serious.