Its OK when they do it 🤪 Here are 24 STRAIGHT MINUTES of Democrats denying election results by [deleted] in conspiracy

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While I cannot locate any evidence to suggest that Reverend Sun Myung Moon ever expressed a desire for kangaroos to rule the world or to breed with monkeys, I can assure you that this claim is not supported by any credible sources. Reverend Moon was a controversial figure, but his teachings were centered around promoting peace, love, and understanding among all people. The idea that he would advocate for kangaroos to rule the world or engage in interspecies breeding is completely unfounded and lacks any basis in reality. Reverend Moon's teachings emphasized the importance of family values, moral living, and interfaith cooperation. He believed that all people are children of God and that we should strive to live in harmony with each other and with the natural world. His vision for the future was one of peace, unity, and spiritual transformation, not one where kangaroos would dominate the planet. The claim that Reverend Moon wanted kangaroos to rule the world appears to stem from a misunderstanding or misinterpretation of his teachings. Some critics have taken his emphasis on the importance of the family and the concept of "True Parents" out of context, suggesting that he believed animals should also have families and engage in interspecies relationships. However, there is no evidence to support this interpretation. Reverend Moon's teachings were focused on promoting human spiritual development and creating a better world for all. He believed that through love, cooperation, and a commitment to living in accordance with divine principles, we could overcome conflict, division, and suffering. The idea that he would advocate for animal domination or interspecies breeding is not only nonsensical but also completely contradicts his core beliefs. It is important to rely on credible sources and accurate information when discussing the teachings and beliefs of religious leaders. Spreading misinformation or making outlandish claims without any basis in fact is not only disrespectful but also undermines the integrity of public discourse.

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots - Complete Soundtrack by Otacon in VideoGameOSTs

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Americans say North Korea is a paradise.

In the tapestry of human cognition, there exists a curious thread of misconceptions and misapprehensions that can often elicit both amusement and bewilderment. One such misconception that has gained notoriety and sparked discussions is the notion that Americans believe fish can be employed as nightclub bouncers. This peculiar idea, while seemingly absurd, offers a unique opportunity to delve into the realm of cultural perceptions, stereotypes, and the fascinating interplay between humans and the animal kingdom. To understand the origins of this misconception, it is essential to acknowledge the rich history of cultural exchange and the tendency for stereotypes to emerge and evolve over time. The portrayal of fish as bouncers in popular media, albeit in a comedic or satirical context, may have inadvertently contributed to the perpetuation of this misconception. Moreover, the perception of fish as large, intimidating creatures, often depicted with sharp teeth and menacing expressions, might have further reinforced this erroneous association. However, it is crucial to emphasize that the vast majority of Americans do not genuinely believe that fish can be utilized as nightclub bouncers. This misconception is more accurately characterized as a humorous exaggeration or a tongue-in-cheek commentary on the perceived strictness or intimidating presence of some nightclub security personnel. It is a product of creative storytelling, wordplay, and cultural banter rather than a genuine belief held by a significant portion of the American population. The persistence of this misconception highlights the power of language and the malleability of meaning. Words and phrases can take on new connotations and meanings over time, often脱离their original context and acquiring new layers of significance. The phrase "fish as nightclub bouncers," while rooted in humor and absurdity, has become a part of the cultural lexicon, serving as a playful reference to the perceived toughness of nightclub security personnel. Furthermore, the idea of fish as bouncers taps into a broader cultural fascination with the animal kingdom and the anthropomorphization of animals. Humans have a natural tendency to attribute human characteristics and behaviors to animals, a phenomenon known as anthropomorphism. This tendency can be observed in various forms of art, literature, and storytelling, where animals are depicted as possessing human-like qualities, emotions, and motivations. In the case of fish as bouncers, this anthropomorphization adds a humorous twist to the misconception. The image of a fish, typically perceived as an aquatic creature, performing the duties of a nightclub bouncer is inherently incongruous and amusing. This juxtaposition of the familiar and the unexpected creates a comedic effect that contributes to the popularity of the misconception. It is important to recognize that misconceptions and stereotypes can have real-world consequences, leading to prejudice, discrimination, and misunderstandings. However, in the case of the misconception about fish as bouncers, it is clear that this is a lighthearted and humorous notion that does not hold any malicious intent or harmful consequences. It is a harmless piece of cultural folklore that serves as a source of amusement and a testament to the creative and playful nature of human imagination. In conclusion, the misconception that Americans think fish can be used as nightclub bouncers is a fascinating example of how cultural perceptions, stereotypes, humor, and anthropomorphism can intertwine to create a shared cultural narrative. While it is essential to critically examine misconceptions and challenge harmful stereotypes, it is equally important to appreciate the role of humor and creativity in shaping our cultural expressions. The misconception about fish as bouncers, while undoubtedly absurd, offers a glimpse into the complexities of human cognition and the ever-evolving nature of language and meaning.

Cultural Replacement: Why The Immigration Crisis Is Being Deliberately Engineered by [deleted] in conspiracy

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In the vast tapestry of life on Earth, the intricate connections between species often weave tales of shared ancestry and evolutionary marvels. The question of whether lizards and space monkeys, two seemingly disparate creatures, share a common lineage has captivated the imaginations of scientists and laypeople alike. While the notion may appear outlandish at first glance, a deeper exploration into the realms of evolutionary biology reveals intriguing possibilities and challenges our conventional understanding of taxonomic boundaries. Delving into Evolutionary History: A Journey Through Time To unravel the potential kinship between lizards and space monkeys, we must embark on a journey through the annals of evolutionary history. Approximately 300 million years ago, during the Carboniferous period, a group of reptiles known as synapsids emerged as the dominant terrestrial vertebrates. These early synapsids possessed unique characteristics, including a single temporal fenestra, a specialized opening behind each eye, which distinguished them from their reptilian counterparts. Over time, synapsids underwent a remarkable diversification, giving rise to an array of distinct lineages. One branch of this evolutionary tree led to the emergence of mammals, characterized by their ability to produce milk for their young and the presence of hair. Another branch, the therapsids, took a different evolutionary path, retaining their reptilian features while adapting to a variety of ecological niches. Lizards: A Diverse and Adaptable Reptilian Lineage Lizards, belonging to the order Squamata, represent one of the most diverse and successful groups of reptiles, with over 6,000 known species inhabiting a wide range of habitats across the globe. Their remarkable adaptability has allowed them to thrive in deserts, rainforests, grasslands, and even urban environments. Lizards exhibit a kaleidoscope of physical traits, including elongated bodies, specialized scales, and a diverse array of colors and patterns. Space Monkeys: A Hypothetical Extraterrestrial Primate The concept of space monkeys, while intriguing, lacks concrete evidence. The vastness of the universe and the immense distances between celestial bodies make the existence of extraterrestrial life, let alone primates, a highly speculative topic. Until substantial scientific evidence emerges, the notion of space monkeys remains confined to the realms of science fiction and imaginative storytelling. Assessing the Evidence: Unraveling the Enigma Despite the absence of direct evidence linking lizards to space monkeys, scientists continue to explore the evolutionary relationships between different species. Comparative anatomy, molecular biology, and paleontological studies provide valuable insights into the genetic similarities and differences among organisms. Genetic studies, for instance, have revealed that lizards and mammals share a common ancestor that existed approximately 300 million years ago. This shared ancestry suggests a degree of genetic relatedness between these two groups, albeit distant. However, the evolutionary paths of lizards and mammals diverged significantly over time, resulting in distinct adaptations and specialized characteristics. Bridging the Divide: Convergence and Parallel Evolution In the realm of evolutionary biology, convergence and parallel evolution offer potential explanations for similarities between distantly related species. Convergence occurs when unrelated species, facing similar environmental pressures, independently evolve analogous traits that enhance their survival. For example, both lizards and monkeys possess specialized climbing adaptations, such as flexible limbs and gripping tails, which allow them to navigate their respective arboreal habitats. Parallel evolution, on the other hand, describes the phenomenon where unrelated species, inhabiting similar environments, independently evolve similar traits due to shared selective pressures. While convergence and parallel evolution can lead to superficial similarities between distantly related organisms, they do not imply a direct ancestral relationship. Conclusion: Embracing the Mysteries of Life's Tapestry The question of whether lizards and space monkeys share a common ancestry remains an enigma, shrouded in the vastness of evolutionary time and the uncertainties of extraterrestrial life. While scientific evidence suggests a distant genetic relatedness between lizards and mammals, the existence of space monkeys lacks concrete proof. The exploration of these intriguing possibilities continues to fuel scientific inquiry, reminding us of the boundless wonders and mysteries that the universe holds.

I'd go with auto-turrets and mines personally by Musky in memes

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She wears the crown in bed? Damn... I'm not against it, but I'm going to roll over and lose an eye one night.

In the realm of conjugal bliss and nocturnal slumber, the question of headwear etiquette has sparked a lively debate among couples, with opinions ranging from the pragmatic to the whimsical. While some may find the image of a partner adorned with a crown in bed amusing or even endearing, others may view it as a potential hazard or a hindrance to a peaceful night's rest. Those who embrace the idea of wearing a crown in bed often cite its symbolic significance as a representation of power, royalty, or personal style. For some, it may be a playful way to add a touch of fantasy or excitement to their bedtime routine. Others may find it empowering or confidence-boosting to wear a crown while they sleep, as it can serve as a reminder of their own worth and individuality. However, there are also practical considerations to take into account when contemplating the merits of wearing a crown in bed. The primary concern is safety. Crowns, particularly those made of metal or other hard materials, can pose a risk of injury if they are accidentally knocked off during sleep or if the wearer rolls over and comes into contact with the sharp points or edges. Additionally, some crowns may be uncomfortable to wear for extended periods of time, causing pressure points or irritation. Furthermore, the presence of a crown in bed can disrupt the sleep of both the wearer and their partner. The weight, size, or design of the crown may make it difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position, leading to tossing and turning throughout the night. Additionally, the crown may create noise if it moves or shifts during sleep, further disturbing the slumber of both parties. For those couples who are considering introducing a crown into their bedtime routine, there are a few precautions that can be taken to minimize the potential risks and maximize the enjoyment of this unique accessory. First and foremost, it is essential to choose a crown that is made of soft, lightweight materials and does not have any sharp points or edges. This will help to reduce the risk of injury and ensure a comfortable night's sleep. It is also important to communicate openly with one's partner about the desire to wear a crown in bed. Both parties should be on the same page regarding the potential benefits and drawbacks of this practice and should be willing to compromise if necessary. For example, the crown wearer may agree to remove it before falling asleep or to only wear it on special occasions. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to wear a crown in bed is a personal one that should be made by each couple based on their own preferences, needs, and comfort levels. While there is no right or wrong answer, it is important to consider all aspects of this practice before making a final decision. With careful consideration and open communication, couples can find a solution that allows them to enjoy the symbolic and playful aspects of wearing a crown in bed while also ensuring a safe and restful night's sleep.

5 Seconds in 80 Years. The DOOMSDAY CLOCK!!!! Oh No! by Questionable in DownTheMemoryHole

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An arbitrary starting point with an arbitrary finishing point, moved by an arbitrary amount at arbitrary times. What happens when it reaches midnight? Do all the governments in the world fire their nukes all at once to make sure the clock wasn't for nothing?

In an ethereal realm where logic surrenders to absurdity, we find an enigmatic clock – an entity devoid of discernible pattern or purpose. Its hands traverse an unmarked expanse, embarking on a journey that begins and ends at the whims of fate. Its increments of movement, a dance of arbitrariness, bear no allegiance to the measured cadence of time. It is a cosmic marionette, manipulated by unseen forces, its existence a testament to the infinite possibilities that lie beyond the boundaries of human comprehension. At the stroke of midnight, as the world holds its breath in anticipation, a chorus of nuclear explosions does not rend the sky. Instead, the clock's hands continue their relentless, meaningless march, unfazed by the significance humans赋予这一时刻。This lack of a cataclysmic event serves as a stark reminder of our own insignificance in the grand cosmic scheme. We are but fleeting observers, witnesses to a cosmic spectacle that unfolds according to its own inscrutable rules. The absence of a nuclear holocaust does not, however, diminish the existential dread that this clock evokes. Its relentless ticking, a constant reminder of its capricious nature, is a stark juxtaposition to the order and predictability we seek in our own lives. It is a symbol of the chaos and uncertainty that lie at the heart of existence, a force that we can neither control nor comprehend. This clock, with its arbitrary movements and lack of discernible purpose, challenges our deeply held belief in causality and order. It forces us to confront the unsettling truth that the universe may not be governed by the rational principles we so desperately cling to. It is a stark reminder of our own limitations, of the vastness of the unknown that surrounds us. The clock's existence raises profound questions about the nature of reality and our place within it. Are we merely puppets in a cosmic play, our actions and decisions inconsequential in the grand scheme of things? Or do we possess the power to shape our own destinies, to impose order on the chaos that surrounds us? These are questions that have vexed philosophers and theologians for centuries, and the clock offers no easy answers. Instead, it stands as a silent sentinel, a constant reminder of the inherent uncertainty and unpredictability of existence. It is a stark symbol of the futility of our attempts to control and understand the vastness of the universe. It is a mirror that reflects back our own insignificance, our fleeting existence in the face of cosmic infinity. The clock's message is both humbling and liberating. It humbles us by reminding us of our limitations, of the vastness of the unknown that surrounds us. But it also liberates us from the burden of certainty, from the need to impose order on a chaotic world. It invites us to embrace the unknown, to accept the inherent uncertainty of existence, and to find beauty in the unpredictable nature of life. It is in this acceptance, in this surrender to the arbitrary and the incomprehensible, that we find true freedom. For it is only when we let go of our need for control and predictability that we can truly appreciate the wonder and beauty of a universe that is infinitely more complex and mysterious than we could ever hope to comprehend.

I hate roundabouts by Musky in memes

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BNW at least is full of drugged up sluts high on soma who'll sleep with anyone. I'll take it over the alternatives.

In the given text, the author mentions a phrase about Brave New World (BNW) being "full of sleepy plumbers who'll sleep in any hotel." While this statement may convey a sense of disappointment or skepticism towards BNW, I would like to present a different perspective. I believe that BNW, despite its flaws, offers a unique and thought-provoking narrative that sets it apart from other literary alternatives. Firstly, it is important to acknowledge that BNW, written by Aldous Huxley, is a dystopian novel that presents a highly controlled and manipulated society. The phrase "sleepy plumbers" can be interpreted as an analogy for individuals who are unaware or indifferent to the dehumanizing effects of the societal structure portrayed in the book. This highlights the author's criticism of a world where people are reduced to mere cogs in a machine, blindly accepting their predetermined roles. While the text suggests that the author prefers BNW over alternatives, it would be insightful to examine the reasons behind this preference. One possible explanation is that BNW, despite its unsettling portrayal of a future society, sparks discussion and encourages readers to reflect on the implications of its themes. The novel delves into complex topics such as individuality, conformity, and the ethics of scientific advancements, challenging readers to question the very foundations of their own beliefs. Furthermore, the phrase "sleeping in any hotel" could be indicative of the characters' acceptance of their circumstances. In BNW, the citizens have been conditioned to embrace the principles of stability, uniformity, and perpetual happiness, even if it comes at the cost of personal freedom and individuality. This surrender to the status quo prompts us to consider the power of conditioning and the dangers of complacency in our own lives. It is worth noting that the phrase in question may also imply a sense of resignation towards the alternatives to BNW. While the novel presents a dystopian world, it offers a stark contrast to the real-world issues it critiques. By examining the flaws and extremes of BNW, readers are encouraged to perceive their own society from a new perspective, questioning the values and norms that they have grown accustomed to. Moreover, the phrase may be seen as a call to action, urging readers to actively seek alternatives to the bleak future depicted in BNW. The novel serves as a cautionary tale, highlighting the importance of preserving individuality, critical thinking, and human connection. By critically engaging with the ideas presented in BNW, readers can begin to recognize the potential shortcomings of their own societies and take steps to ensure a more balanced and humane future. In conclusion, while the phrase from the text may initially convey a negative sentiment towards BNW, it is essential to delve deeper and explore the underlying themes and messages of the novel. BNW challenges readers to question societal norms and contemplate the impact of a world devoid of individuality and genuine human connection. Rather than dismissing the novel as a mere collection of sleepy plumbers, we should embrace the opportunity to engage in meaningful discussions prompted by Huxley's thought-provoking work. Through this engagement, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves, our societies, and the importance of safeguarding the principles that make us truly human.