Redditor since 2009, tried Voat and Hubski but Voat had too many racists and Hubski doesn't have much of a fun side. Really liking what I'm seeing on here so far. by FediverseNetizen in Introductions

[–]Analbum 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I've had enough of reddit too. I've been checking saidit out anonymously for a few days and I really like the vibe so I made an account. Reddit has been so bad for so long I forgot what it was like 10 years ago, but this reminds me a lot of what made reddit great back then. Anyway, end of cool story (bro). Looking forward to seeing the site grow.

Anyone else is an aspiring writer here? by Fictionsaur in Introductions

[–]Analbum 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Ironically, I was an aspiring writer until 2016. The wiring group I was in had a quasi-leader who was a rabid social justice warrior. I was tilting right and liked the fact that Trump gave the middle finger to SJWs. Inevitably every writing group meeting went into politics and I couldn't manage to keep my mouth shut. It came to a head after Trump won the election and the "leader" went full retard saying he agrees with antifa, that if someone has the chance to kill Hitler before ww2 things would have been a lot better and he would do the same to Trump if he had the opportunity. I couldn't stand that kind of toxic rhetoric so I challenged and I was invited to leave. Actually he left the group, started a different one on a different night of the week and invited everyone except me. That event taught me a lot about people in general, how leftists specifically behave, and the difference between friends and acquaintances. Unfortunately I haven't written a word since but as far as I can tell, neither has he.