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[–]Canbot 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I am still very dubious about a famine being possible in the US. We still have guns. That may seem like a non sequitur but it really isn't. With the amount of stored fat, nearly indestructible processed food, and family run farms it would take a prolonged military lockdown to starve to death any significant amount of people.

If the reports of tyranny from china are remotely true thier population is far more susceptible to that kind of attack. In my opinion anyway.

With that said it is quite possible that all the stories are fake and the situation on the ground there is nothing like what is being perported. It could be that these "farming touble" stories are just run of the mill fear mongering to keep people stressed and easily controlled.

As far as ADE, it is likely a factor but too early to be a huge factor. Vaccine harm has to be introduced in small steps to maintain plausible deniability. Most likely this is theatere to instill fear and ensure compliance with the next few jabs.

Then they will bull back the pressure a bit, allow decompression, and reapply pressure.