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[–]Klondike 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

Maybe this varies from state to state, but "menacing" is not sufficient; he has to be afraid for his LIFE.

1) irrelevant, Rittenberg did not know he was a felon at the time.

2) this doesn't make sense to me... Wouldn't anyone open-carrying be able to make the same argument?

3) Don't fire warning shots, people. It's stupid.

4) Where did you find this? In the video I've seen, this is not visible.

5) After getting up from the attack. I agree that those shots were self defense, but I'm talking about after he got up and the crowd dispersed. Although another Saidit user asserts that it was not him firing, so maybe that's the case.

6) Nothing I can really disagree with there, but just remember how we got on this situation: "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK

As for pepper spray, I'll keep that in mind...

[–]AsInBeer 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

1) Relevant- Goes ot character and motive as you'll see during the trial.

2) It would if people were routinely stupid enough to try to attack people carrying guns. Police use this same principle- my gun, if he gets it, will put me in mortal peril. A true statement.

3) But he did, which shows he was trying to stop the guy with less than lethal force.

4) cited from charging documents.

5) He shot two people. One with a pistol trained on him. The other had just assualted him with a deadly weapon. No law expects a reasonable citizen to infinitely parse the dynamic behavior of violent people in real time. One a reasonable fear for his life has been established, he's within his rights to protect himself, even with deadly force.

6) Fine you support he movment and see it as a neccessary reaction to some perceived injustice. That's another conversation, and I am glad to debate that too.

[–]Klondike 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

1) Rosenberg isn't the one on trial.

2) But you could just always say that. It sounds like the "it's coming right for us!" defense from South Park.

4) where did you find those? I wouldn't mind reading.

5) He didn't hit anyone spraying into the crowd, but even if you fear for your life you are not allowed to do that.

6) I mean, it's not like police brutality is anything new...

[–]AsInBeer 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

1) You just don't know how trials work, that's all . Who Rosenberg was, what his past behavior was like, what he was seen doing and saying all go straight to the heart of "reasonable fear your his life"

2) If you charge someone with any weapon, the person has a right to use it against you. Remember that, for your own protection.

4) My first post the first link

5) Show me the evidence he sprayed into the crowd.

6) Nope it's not but police brutality is dealt with in a court of law. Some cases which should be will not be won. That is actually a preferential outcome since sending innocent people to jail is a horror we must avoid, even at high cost I think you will agree. The proves the world is imperfect. That the world is imperfect is no reason to burn down cities and kill people.

BTW FBI stats prove beyond all doubt that unarmed Black men are not killed by the police disproportionately to their numbers. It's just a myth BLM invented out of whole cloth.

I remember some overpaid NBA star asking to be shown even ONE video of the same thing happening to a White man. What a joke. Did you just check in, sir?

That someone could think this doesn't happen in unarmed White men just shows that the people involved with BLM just don't care about looking, or don't know how to look, for evidence which would contradict their preferred narrative.

Look at the date:

Also, it has to be said that if any of these poeple gave an actual shit about Black men dying they would be talking about Black on Black crime in these Democrat-run cities. They would be upset about the Black men shot in CHAZ.

The police station they attacked and defunded in Seattle? The one run by the Black female police chief whose pay was cut by 40%? Yeah that was fought for by the Black community who lived there because they wanted more law and order.

These Marxists are full bore psychopaths and the celebs and athelete and SV elite who are raising their fists are attention whores who feel guilty about being over-compensated for contributing nearly nothing of value to society. They have a hole in their souls where a meaningful life would have been.

Now that they "have it all" , whoa... new vistas open up to them ! Their idea of being successful changes and they realize, actually, they contributed nothing inducing Black kids to buy $200.00 sneakers made by Uyguher slave labor in China.

So they hop on whatever Angry Train they can so they can feel like Their Lives Matter.

But, Black or White, their lives don't matter. And they know it.

Joining a cause premised on a false narrative is essentially them buying a luxury moral good.

They like its halo around them the same way they liked the Lamborghini halo they bought when they were 20. They look good in this....

[–]Klondike 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

1) there's no way Rittenberg knew any of that at the time. You can't just shoot people and then after the fact go "good thing he was kinda a dirtbag." The only way it would be relevant is if the defense were to argue "Rosenberg never would've done such a thing!" which seems unlikely.

2) I'm having a hard time buying that. I admit I'm no expert on laws pertaining to open carry (because doing so is fucking dumb, you are pre-escalating the situation before it's even begun, why advertise that you are armed?), but if you can claim a fear for your life because someone is running toward you, that seems simply ridiculous.

5) There's a video out there somewhere (I can no longer find the link on Reddit) that's a compilation of people's cell phone videos. It shows him getting up after the attack with the crowd running from him. He turns toward the crowd and appears to be aiming in their direction (his back is to the camera). There's the sound of quite a few gunshots. So like I said, someone else said it wasn't him shooting, and maybe that's the case. But I guess it's up to investigators and the justice system now.


Nope it's not but police brutality is dealt with in a court of law.

Ok but that's like the point, it's NOT. How many times have we heard that the cops simply got reprimanded with paid leave? How many get fired but then later reinstated quietly? How many times do we have to hear "oops, lost the bodycam footage"? When a cop actually gets charged, it's an outlier, and nevermind an actual conviction. For some reason, the "good cops" are all too eager to protect "bad cops".

The system is corrupt to it's core and needs major reform. Police need to be held accountable for their actions. Should they have to hesitate before pulling the trigger and think "Is what I'm doing illegal?" Abso-fucking-lutely.

[–]AsInBeer 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

1) It goes to Rosenberg's intent. It's not about what Rittenberg knew, it's about whether or not the attacking individual was known to be the sort of person who was confrontational, aggressive and prone to violence because that makes it more likely he was displaying those some behaviors at the time.

(In fact, we know he was. We have him approaching Rittenberg in an apoplectic rage earlier in the night.)

But we dont' need that. We have his extensive violent criminal record.

2) This is not how criminals and open carry advocates see it. What criminals see is an unmanageable number of people around them who have guns. What open carry advocates believe is criminals like easy vicitims who can't fight back. Conceal carry states are even better because , yeah, criminals really have no idea who is packing.

6) all the things your referencing are problems. But it's not an epidemic of police violence towards innocent people or criminal suspects who pose no threat to them. All those things are problems that happen in the world, but if you look at the words you used, you might get an idea that it's not how often it happens, it's how often you hear about it. You hear about it every single time it happens. You hear about every single officer involved shooting of any Black suspect. How many is that? What % of the time does it happen? Whatr are the details around the case? Are the cops White or Black? How many times does it happen to White suspects?

When you look into answering these questions, it becomes clear- there is no epidemic of White cops shooting Black suspects.