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[–]Jesus 6 insightful - 3 fun6 insightful - 2 fun7 insightful - 3 fun -  (6 children)

Part 1

Because Judaism or Jewishness isn't a race but a misanthropic, nepotistic, tribal group with their own ferocious anti-Christ infighting... Russo’s “Rockefeller New World Order” conspiracy theories were meant to distract you from Jeff Gates and Mel Rockefeller attempting to expose Jewish organized crime. But then again, Rockefeller's are Jewish so nobody wins in the end.

Around the end of the George W. Bush presidency, the internet was spammed by content from a Sephardic Jewish Hollywood producer named Aaron Russo. Russo had dabbled in libertarian politics, but his lasting legacy was a series of interviews where he exposed “the elite” via his supposed friendship with a scion of the Rockefeller family. Russo spun a tale that the Rockefellers were “the elite” behind most of the bad things in society broadcasted by the Zionist Alex Jones, which is a red flag to begin with. He even quoted his Rockefeller friend making disparaging comments about “the peasants.” Russo said while he liked his friend, after he died he felt he must take the truth to “the people” about “the New World Order.” Russo claimed that the Rockefellers were behind 9/11 and that they were going to “implant RFID chips” into the population.

The entire presentation was tailored to reach the “conspiracy culture” and right wing libertarian types.

Now, over a decade later, it starts to become clear what Russo was doing and why. Apparently, if Russo’s “Rockefeller” friend existed at all, it was someone with the last name “Rockefeller” but not related to the actual Rockefellers of note.

Exactly like Curtis Yarvin, via the “Mencius Moldbug” handle and the astrotufed neo-reactionary movement spammed by the neo-conservatives who had taken over The Atlantic, was an attempt to get out in front of the growing Jew-awareness of the anti-war and libertarian movement around Ron Paul and, Russo’s tall tales were an attempt to get ahead of a real Rockefeller who had teamed up with Jeff Gates to try to take on the Israel lobby and the Jewish organized crime ring. It always seems to take about a decade to finally put these things together.

Tipped off by long time commenter Bob Saffron, I looked into Jeff Gates and found an interview from the first years of the Obama administion he did with Red Ice radio. Gates describes Jewish organized crime, calling it just that – “multigenerational organized crime” – and ties it to the Likud party and a world-wide network of Jewish Zionists. He expressed rather naive hope that Barack Obama might have come to understand how he was manipulated and, in fact, groomed, by this Jewish organized crime network...

Well, Obama did, to some degree. Obama made his famous Iran deal which was fanatically opposed by Jews and Israel. In fact, most of the so-called “conspiracy theories” about Obama were promoted by the Likud party and Jewish organized crime to cripple Obama’s attempt to make the Iran deal – specifically, the conspiracy theories about Obama’s birth certificate, promoted by the Israeli Jew Orly Taitz, the so-called “birther queen.”

In the interview, Gates mentions a prominent citizen he is working with that will “go public” in their next collaboration. It turns out Gates was talking about Mel Rockefeller, the son of Senator Nelson Rockefeller. Do you see how the tactic works? The Jew Russo spreads “conspiracy theories” about “his friend Rockefeller” exactly the time that an actual Rockefeller is working with Jeff Gates to expose the “Mishpucka” – Jewish organized crime, with Mel Rockefeller, the actual scion of the family.

When Donald Trump first announced he was running for President, this author wrote a series of articles titled “The Likud Takeover of the Republican Party.” I and my blogging partner were subject to extreme opposition from the entire “Alt Right” movement centered around Richard Spencer, Andrew Anglin, and Andrew “Weev” Aurenheimer. Teams of “trolls” were sent to all of my online properties to push Donald Trump and extreme “Hollywood Nazism.” We even had an article published on the Daily Stormer – without permission – in an attempt to co-opt our old blog into their “Alt Right” pro-Trump movement.

The series was inspired by not only my own historical understanding of who and what Donald Trump is, but also the analysis of Andrea Nolen and a long-time commenter on Kevin MacDonald’s site TheOccidentalObserver called “Someday.”

Someday,” an Israeli Jew, explained way back in 2016 what Donald Trump meant to Jews. “Someday” made it quite clear that a Donald Trump presidency would allow the Israelis to move the American embassy to Jerusalem and finally annex the West Bank and ethnically cleanse the Palestinians.

[–]LarrySwinger2[S] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

Because Judaism or Jewishness isn't a race

You specifically said he's a Sephardi Jew.

Russo said while he liked his friend, after he died he felt he must take the truth to “the people” about “the New World Order.”

I'm not sure Nicholas Rockefeller died. I don't recall Russo even saying that in the interview, but I'd have to check.

Apparently, if Russo’s “Rockefeller” friend existed at all, it was someone with the last name “Rockefeller” but not related to the actual Rockefellers of note.

Russo's Rockefeller is an actual Rockefeller who is or was a member of the CFR. See this page, and there's more documentation here (you have to scroll down to the second, unsigned comment under that heading). There is a Nicholas Rockefeller on the CFR member list to this day. That could be another Nicholas Rockefeller, but if Russo's Rockefeller is still alive, then it's probably him.

Edit: I'm not really convinced by the argument, by the way. Exposing the Rockefellers doesn't discredit everything that all Rockefellers will say in the future, and it doesn't prevent any member of the family from dissenting.

[–]Jesus 4 insightful - 3 fun4 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 3 fun -  (1 child)

First, the Sephardi are an ethnic group, not a race and I can only think of Zionist Jews racialising such a group, which puts into question your agenda. Secondly, Rockefellers are Ashkenazi where as Russo is Sephardi. His appearance on Zionist Alex Jones is weird in itself but holding off on this, the Sephardi and Ashkenazi have had their fair share of criminal Jews and historically both have resented each other, even to the point of assassinations.

Nick Rockefeller is a very minor and and very distant member in the dynasty, already dead by the time of Russo’s interview. Secondly, the membership CFR list still features a Nicolas but I thought that list only listed people still alive. That being said, he never mentions CNP and the real players involved who were PNACERS and outright Zionist Jews tied to the Likud. My point here, is that the fervent Zionist Alex Jones would never have someone on his show to spew this, if it was not disinfo. And I already know conspiracy theoreticians such as Conspiracytheorista who promotes the Rockefeller DID 9/11 meme and it turns out she is a Zionist shill that said I was an anti-Semite fro suggesting elements within Israel had a hand. Imagine that. I think, despite Rockefellers being Ashkenazis, they are used, in this case, as a punching bag, to cover for the real Zionists who took up all the positions of power to orchestrate and cover-up 9/11. Really no different than Giuliani (9/11 chabadnik criminal) and his Zionist Jew pals blaming everything on the Jew Soros.

[–]JasonCarswell 3 insightful - 3 fun3 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

Heavy and insightful.

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Jews are a race. Everything is racial.

[–]JasonCarswell 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

They are a tribe but not a race.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

No... Zionists racialize Jews for their own agenda. Being a Jew isn't a race, though they can be of other races. Most are not semitic. The problem here is in group solidarity based on exclusiveness and ethnic nepotism.