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[–]JasonCarswell[S] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (10 children)

Who fucking cares if he's a Marxist? They have A LOT of great ideas. We need balance between the "left" and "right" ideas like we had since FDR - despite the McCarthyist Red Scare bullshit.

I'm quite certain he does not support the real problem: globalist Zionism.

"one nation, one country"

Sounds awfully totalitarian to me. What about the rest of the world? How about the USA stop fucking policing the world since they can't even police themselves.

"no social programmes"

Let's start with no bailouts for the wealthy and let their big asses fail and the free market reign.

"national industry, national agriculture, national culture"

Now you sound communist.

Make up your mind.

[–]Jesus 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

One nation, one country...

That is what the founders intended. They intended a decentralized government, enough to protect the freedoms and privacy and property of the people. A national culture with national agritculture and a national imdustry so as to be a self-reliant country that doesn't have to rely solely on the EXPLOITATION and POLICING of other countries. Free-trade is a notable exception and is a good thing only if the US is self-reliant. Nations, as Jefferson stated, should not be allowed to control the US government and we should not meddle in the politics of other countries.

We were never suppose to be an offensive military empire.

Ridding of the federal reserve and having the government control its own fiscal policy using indepedent treasuries and silver coinage and silver certificates would create a sound currency which would allow people to save and not worry about high taxes and boom and bust cycles. I'm certain if this concept was implemented the people would be far healthier and we wouldn't have to payout huge social welfare programs that many people take advantage of.

[–]JasonCarswell[S] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I agree 100%.

" That is what the founders intended. "

Or so they claim. Ben Franklin was most certainly playing a lot of teams, good, bad, and ugly.

It didn't work out like that. The War Of Northern Aggression is the largest example that proves there is no freedom or decentralization tolerated.

And now America is Israel's bitch to boot.

" I'm certain if this concept was implemented the people would be far healthier and we wouldn't have to payout huge social welfare programs that many people take advantage of. "

I'm certain the ruling class takes WAY more advantage of them than the poor.

[–][deleted]  (5 children)


    [–]JasonCarswell[S] 2 insightful - 3 fun2 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 3 fun -  (4 children)

    I have a very good reason to talk: to defend good Marxist ideas presented and to counter pejorative dismissals.

    If the ideas are good then they are good, regardless of who says it and what ideologies they call themselves or are called.

    If the ideas are bad then feel free to criticize them and let the readers determine their merits for themselves.

    On the Pyramid of Debate (my lovely design, BTW), your initial comment simply made an Ad Hominem attack on Parenti. I asked you to clarify. You tell me to shut up. You lose.

    If you have some "prerequisite knowledge" then teach me it or shut the fuck up about shutting me up. I may not know it all, nor do you, but I certainly have enough to stand behind the vast majority of what I speak on, and there's no shortage of evidence of that here on SaidIt.

    [–][deleted]  (2 children)


      [–]JasonCarswell[S] 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

      What's really funny is you don't even know about them and would rather promote ostrichism.

      [–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

      Have you read Yuri Bezmenov's books?

      [–][deleted]  (1 child)


        [–]JasonCarswell[S] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

        " you know nothing about Joseph McCarthy and his attempt (especially don't know that he was right on every point) "

        You couldn't know what I do or don't know about McCarthy and audaciously portending makes you a verifiable bullshitter.

        Yes McCarthy was "right" as a Republican, but certainly NOT correct on MANY things. Get specific as I won't debate your vague nonsense.

        " you have no idea what "communism" is "

        Now you're moving the goal posts. Are we discussing Marxism and/or communism and/or I'm guessing socialism too? I'm quite familiar with all of them.

        " So why are you talking about subject of which you know absolutely nothing ? "

        I would have to be an absolute moron to believe you because it would be almost impossible for me to post so many Marxist posts without understanding anything in them.

        " groupies by default have no concept of what they want, what they are opposed to. "

        I know exactly what I want, in the last few lines here, and in a fun thought experiment here, re-copypasted here:

        1. separate banks from state
        2. form city bank trusts, independent of all other banks
        3. form city police forces, independent of all other police forces, subservient and accountable to their communities
        4. dissolve all borders, nations, and states down to regional cities and counties only
        5. dismantle all secret agencies and military
        6. abolish all copyrights and patents and censorship
        7. make free all public transportation, communications, education, and healthcare
        8. make home-servers as common as refrigerators to decentralize a new Internet
        9. push for other decentralized alternatives
        10. promote the fuck out of voluntarism and community networks
        11. promote the fuck out of worker co-ops and freedom cells
        12. promote the fuck out of DIY self-reliance and maker culture
        13. mandate most new homes must be earthships
        14. force everyone to study The Corbett Report, etc
        15. decriminalize drugs and other absurdities
        16. seek donations for my retirement ( power corrupts absolutely :P )
        17. force myself out of office, like Thanos destroyed the stones
        18. in my retirement I'd muster a studio and work on my anti-authoritarian counter-propaganda edutainment projects

        In short I have these primary goals:


        Transparency, Open Source, Worker Coops, Alternatives, Responsibility, Decentralization, Solutions

        I just made that up, but now I'm sticking with it, even though it omits Activism, Aquaponics, Autonomy, Community, Counter-Propaganda, Creativity, DIY, Environment, Freedom(s) (not limited to four), Fulfillment, Guaranteed UBI, Health, Hydroponics, Liberty, Meaning, Micro Farming, Minarchism, Motivation, Natural Law, Off Grid, Open Education, Open Science, Organic Solutions, Participatory Economics, Peaceful Protests, Purpose, Radical Reform, Ranked-Choice Voting On Issues, Rights, Self-Defense, Self-Expression, Self-Reliance, Sustainability, Urban Farming, Voluntarism, and Well Being. It would be easy enough to consider them all "Solutions".

        Also, just for fun, I made a list of things I'm against: Agenda 21, Assassinations, Astroturfing, Authoritarianism, Big Agra, Big Banks, Big Chem, Big Corporations, ALL Big Governments (capitalist, socialist, communist, etc), Big Oil, Big Pharma, Censorship, Centralization, Collapse, Collusion, Copyrights, Corporate Media, Corruption, Crime, Dead Oceans, Deep State, Elitism, Empire, Executives, Expertism, Exploitation, Five Eyes, Globalization, GMOs, Greenwashing, Infiltration, Injustice, Limited Hangouts, Lobbyists, Manipulation, Military Industrial Academic Complex, Monopolies, Monopoly On Violence, Oppression, Organized Crime, Pedophocracy, Private Science, Privatization, Propaganda, PsyOps, Radiation, Ruling Class, Secret Agencies, Secret Societies, State Police, Surveillance, Totalitarianism, Tribalism, Unrest, Vaccines, Voting For Puppets, War, and Zionism.

        " the icing on the pie (of your ignorance) is your remark about "globalist zionism" if you like Marx and his good ideas, if you like Parenti and his good marxist ideas, then start enjoying the realization of your (and their) dream. Enjoy world government, enjoy "no nation, no country", enjoy cultural enhancement, it is you marxist dream come true. Globalism is marxism ---the final development and completion of societal evolution. If you had bothered to familiarize yourself with marxism you would know that ---but that is contrary to your default setting. "

        Ignoring your terrible mixed metaphors, you completely missed a critical point while even quoting me: "GOOD IDEAS". I didn't endorse "all their ideas" including their "bad ideas". If your head weren't so high and mighty so far up your ass you'd know that I'm perpetually posting content against social engineering, SJWs, big government, and world government.

        If you bothered to look at any of the Marxist content I've shared you might actually learn that it's not about globalism. The communism your grandma feared is long dead, but you're too stupid to notice.

        Just as socialism and communism have been corrupted in many countries, capitalism has had is epic failures too. You wouldn't recognize a riot in your streets as a sign and continue to buy into the us vs them bullshit. Russia and China are just as capitalist as the USA and the USA is now just as communist as them. Communism was totalitarian to a degree, just as capitalism was inverted-totalitarianism to a degree but now the capitalists and communists have merged into a totalitarian corporatocracy. If Russia and China were actually in opposition then they would have called out the manufactured coronavirus scamdemic crises for the bullshit that it really is - except they are going along with it to oppress their own people too.

        Billionaires pay millionaires to tell the middle class that the poor are the problem - and they'll tell you entire nations are the enemy, not just their exploitative "leaders". The only enemy worth fighting is the ruling class, regardless of origin.

        " Perhaps you should look up comrade Marx's explanation what communism is "

        Maybe you should, actually. I still own my Communist Manifesto from my days at the University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada. I'm guessing your an ignorant American who wasn't exposed to decent education or diverse ideas that don't conform to your extremely limited totalitarian tribalist propaganda.