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[–]SoCo[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I'm most concerned at how the energy market manipulation parts seem geared towards crushing new businesses and innovation, with reckless and poorly thought out tax incentives. They seem designed to be a handout of taxpayer money to only huge corporations, with enough revenue to bend over backwards for the regulations, to acquire these expanded tax incentives. The regulatory cost will make it too expensive for smaller more innovative companies to compete; only venture capitals will get our tax money for a quick buck. (And those oil barons with insider information already postured to do so, like the Pelosi family)Those revolutionary innovation companies looking to save the environment, just had Joe sign their bankruptcy.

This is beside the financial incentive to replace farm land with energy production. It is already scary to see the farms turned into huge fields of solar panels, rather than producing food.

I wonder if that tax increase on those making less than $400K/year is still in there. I see it is still mostly a tax increase bill.