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[–]Canbot 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (7 children)

The fact that none of the established leftists push pack on this is what tells us that insane leftist professors believe it. The fact that if any of them did the remainder would attack them, disown them, censor them, and black list them is what tells us this is the predominant leftist narrative.

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (6 children)

If there's anything the 'left' does very well, it's complain about everything. Of course academics - especially on the left of politics - want better academic standards, but also watch "conservative" state legislatures cut funds to education EVERY time there's a budget cut. Does the right wing value extra funding for secular education? Hell no. Will they approve extra tax dollars for charter schools that are teaching evangelist Christianity, supply-side Jesus, and bible classes? Certainly. Left wing groups want better education standards, not the continual decline in funding for education that's arranged by right-wing legislators who want to feather their own corporate nests. Sorry this is a long response. In short: I've seen the so-called leftists continually ask for better standards of education, better pay for teachers, after school programs, etc. etc. A well-educated voter will often vote for Democrats, because they want the 99% and the education system to improve.

[–]Canbot 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

More funding for schools does NOT result in better education. The majority of that money is misspent by administrators, while the teachers unions block any results based assessments of teachers.

Republican budget cuts are across the board, as they should be. Spinning that as "they cut funding to schools" is a lie.

Saying that money is the reason kids in wealthy neighborhoods do better in school while ignoring the fact that they come from more intelligent families is leftist propaganda.

There are a million opportunities to show how extra funding to a school increases standardized test scores. The only logical reason why that doesn't exist despite being in line with the propaganda of those in power is that those results don't exist.

Leftists absolutely do NOT want better standards, they want more money. That's it. They purposefully conflate more funding with "better education" even though that conflation is a complete lie, just so they can demand more money. After school programs is more overtime opportunities. Smaller class sizes means reduced work load.

Higher standards means reforming "no child left behind" which is effectively "no child is failed", when it should be "low achievers are forced into after school tutoring". Higher standards means standardized testing so the teachers biased grading is reduced. Higher standards means having special programs taught at an accelerated level for those who can keep up. Higher standards means school voucher programs that create competition in the education system that will lead to better schools.

because they want the 99% and the education system to improve.

Absolute bullshit. Literally EVERYONE wants that. It's a universal. But to say that lefitsts are driven by that, and that this is the genesis of their policies is an absolute lie. None of their policies EVER achieve their goals, and the fact that none of them care is proof that they don't give a fuck about the stated goals. Leftist policies are almost universally WORSE for the vast majority of people unfortunate enough to be effected by them.

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

More funding for schools does NOT result in better education.

That's the intention, and more money is better than less money.

Republican budget cuts are across the board, as they should be. Spinning that as "they cut funding to schools" is a lie.

Absolutely not true. Look at state budget cuts over the years, especialy in the South, and you'll see what they CHOOSE to cut.

Saying that money is the reason kids in wealthy neighborhoods do better in school while ignoring the fact that they come from more intelligent families is leftist propaganda.

Not at all. It's well-known that wealthier kids have better opportunities to learn and attend better schools.

There are a million opportunities to show how extra funding to a school increases standardized test scores. The only logical reason why that doesn't exist despite being in line with the propaganda of those in power is that those results don't exist.

Yes they do exist. Where are you getting your information? All of your responses are false, as if you've never been familiar with K-12 education in the US.

Leftists absolutely do NOT want better standards,

Again, the opposite of what Democrats have done for education, whereas Republicans cut all of the funding when possible.

I give up. There is absolutely no middle ground for our conversation, as you somehow believe in all of this false information. It's very sad that so many in the US are manipulated by this idiotic propaganda and disinformation. Consider your comments - that you really don't want to support K-12 education funding and improvements. Why is that? Because you believe in someone's comments about how the money might be spent? Look at the public record for state funding on education. It's all there. Then look at test scores in wealthier areas vs poorer areas. Did they get equal funding? No. Why? Because right-wing politicians want it that way. Don't support those assholes.

[–]Canbot 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

That's the intention,

If that were truly the intention then those policies would come with a system to measure the effectiveness and with provisions to end the funding if the desired results are not met. That never happens because only stupid leftist sheep think that is the intention. Those in charge clearly don't give a fuck if it works.

It's well-known that wealthier kids have better opportunities to learn and attend better schools.

And this is the perfect example of "if it is a woke claim it must be true". There is zero evidence that it is the better school that leads to better results. There have been millions of kids who have been transferred to wealthier district schools and never has that been shown to work.

The only follow up on any kind of program like that which I ever heard of was on the early start program. Poor kids were put into special pre k and kindergarten programs funded by the government. The study found that there was a slight improvement over a control group, but by 8th or 12th grade ALL of the gains were wiped out. This was by FAR the most likely program to work because early development is far, far more important than anything else in adolescence.

This literally disproves your bullshit.

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

This literally disproves your bullshit.

Not in the slightest, and if you are serious about any interest in improving the educational system in the US, you'd not only avoid circular arguments (from 'early start' to 'gains were wiped out' to 'early development is far more important'), and would not insult me by referring to my comments as 'bullshit', and would appreciate that our tax dollars should help PAY MORE, NOT LESS for education. It's that simple. Arguments that money for education is wasted are completely ridiculous, even when you consider the potential for minor cases of fiduciary irresponsibility. Stop supporting the destruction and defunding of the education system by right wing politicians. You would be fucking over the lives of the 99%.

[–]Canbot 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

There is no circular logic in anything I said. You either don't understand what circular logic is, or are bullshitting because you have nothing else to say and hope that there are people reading this who don't know what circular logic is and you can fool them.

There is zero evidence that any program that has thrown money at education has resulted in any long term improvements in attainment of the students. That is a fact no matter how many times you deny it and claim the opposite, with literally no evidence at all.

[–]skeech 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

if we want good educational systems, then the parents of the children should be their teachers, which means that the homosexual must be removed from the equation and he be removed as a teacher.

the homosexual has no vested interest in the well being or success of your children's children, and therefore he or she should not be entrusted to educate your children.