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[–]InvoluntaryHalibut 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I guess Arendt might be enlightening in terms of comprehending where we went wrong.

Fuck with those, and the authoritarians will take over

They have taken over. They run wall street and the fed and big tech and the DNC and RNC. They use government to parasitize the workers. If they don’t like democratic results they change the demographic of the demos to win elections. They colonize. The people behind colonization in the l700s are the very same people colonizing america now. And they run the government and fill it with “government is magic” religionists like yourself that don’t believe in evolution.

Government is not magic. Evolution is real. Your economy is a ponzi scheme.