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[–]cant_even 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Every civilized country has mandatory voter ID, and it's rarely "free"

Example from that other site:

The last time this came up, someone impersonating a Dutchman said his 'government id was free'.

some free government ID [says Him...]

[Me:] You're lying: Dutch ID card - 51 Euros, or,
Dutch Drivers License - 39.45 Euros, or
Dutch Passport - 65.30 Euros of which must be shown at polling places. source

Now look at the rest of the world, plus what it takes to vote.

Skulking anonymously around Barter-Town shouldn't entitle anybody to choose leaders and influence policy. And until "we" get a handle on screening out ineligble 'voters', maybe Jimmy Carter's crew should be doing some "election monitoring" a lot closer to home than they're used to working.