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[–]JasonCarswellVoluntaryist 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Nonsense and negativity.

Cooperatives do work and that's why they won't promote them in pop culture or in general. We can't have people having self-autonomy and control over their own lives and worker-directed-enterprises.

The coop belongs to the coop members, organized in whatever ways they see fit.

Who taking over what? Yet who don't and don't what?

" Most people don't want to deal with the business decisions that may float or sink the whole company. "

Seriously? Come on man. Most people give more than just a shit about their employment, well-being and future - and therefore care about how their enterprise is operated.

People do build coops. Most governments don't make it as easy as they could, though some certainly do.

Do your own research on cooperatives (start in Europe):