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[–]Devidose 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

something up their sleeve

Two ways it can go.

1 Steath the VP in after winning. Depending on how long that takes it could be near immediate of after 2 years and a day as per the ammendment that permits a VP doing so to then also later run for 2 full terms after.

Due to their own age and possible health concerns the former option of a near immediate change is more favourable for HRC who has been hardly heard from lately. The latter timetable would suit someone not likely to die during their own term.

2 Intentionally lose by fielding someone who won't win but still appears like a choice that isn't intentionally sabotaging things. Bank hard on economic effects of covid19. Blame sitting president and party. Run 2024 as saviours from all of this.