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[–]Unicorn 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Jesus Christ.

The elites are using this virus to stampede you all into the NWO corral to be branded and culled. Use your brain. Quit acting like cattle because to them that is what you are!

This is the general rehearsal to see how far they can go. Right now they are pushing the envelope in order to introduce Corona 2.0 next year and that will probably be even scarier.

They will say this: Look we made it through the first virus scare and we protected you with our draconian medieval measurements. We got rid of the first virus exactly by doing what we did. So, this time: we have to come down even harder and people will believe that and willfully obey that, all thanking the 1% for taking away their freedom.

The globalists know that fear scares people even more that the virus.

Wake up.