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[–]Spud 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (8 children)

Lots of ways to get stuff done. Like I said, I am unconcerned as to whether you would vote Bernie.

There are a lot more movement, people powered politics receptive people.

That is where most of us put the time.

Same with issues. M4A will bridge a ton of gaps. That is issue number one.

The plan is to use a combination of an active and large body of people in tandem with legislative efforts to get the better, more necessary things done.

Happy new year.

[–][deleted]  (7 children)


    [–]Spud 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (6 children)

    All in 10000 percent.

    Next time, cite the savings numbers along with the corporate talking point. While you are at it, realize millions are forced off their plans every year, often at their employers whim.

    I will leave the rest aside. Got much better things to do.

    You did yourself a real disservice with this one.

    [–][deleted]  (5 children)


      [–]Spud 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

      All the data we need exists in pretty much all other modern nations making health care a priority.

      We do not do that. A public option does not do that.

      Our priority is making money, not fixing sick people.

      AND what we have tried?

      Terrible, cruel, ultra expensive.

      Time to do what works.

      [–][deleted]  (3 children)


        [–]Spud 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

        As for reasoned into. Just know you are not having exchanges with some chump. Not only has this been reasoned sixteen ways to sunday, but I have personal research going back decades.

        More shallow talking points.

        Our system sucks huge for the vast majority struggling to use it.

        I know many people, CA, EU, etc..

        Their systems do not suck for the vast majority trying to use it.

        In their systems people do not go bankrupt, lose homes, and experience many other ugly scenarios.

        In their systems, life expectancy is not on a decline.

        Leaving it at that is fantastic! I appreciate the help.


        [–][deleted]  (1 child)


          [–]Spud 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

          Well, do you want to:

          Cherry pick horror stories

          , or

          Talk about the Tories currently working double overtime to hobble the NHS, in a manner not unlike the ones used here to do the same to the Post Office, so private interests have the UK to start cherry picking and price gouging for captive audience type profits?

          , or

          Compare the basic performance, outcomes, cost of various single payer / universal type systems with the worse ones ours has ACROSS THE BOARD?

          Fact is, if one is wealthy, medical tourism can make a lot of sense. M4A will bot change that either except to make it so more Americans can actually take care of it here instead of going to Mexico, and elsewhere abroad.

          Another fact is very wealthy people can get very advanced care here sans longer wait times. For a few of us, this is a big deal, and guess what? M4A does not change that!

          Here is another brutal fact: millions of Americans have super long, as in they cannot afford to even see the doctor, type waits. Many die each year from entirely preventable things, because cost.

          Those of us with wealth sufficient to tap basically unlimited care is very small. None of that is germane to the discussion.

          Those of us able to do medical tourism is a larger slice of the nation, say 25 percent tops. Same deal.

          Bernie style Medicare For All will be a very significant net gain in breadth of coverage while also dramatically reducing cost and risk exposure. For less of an annual spend, dental, vision, medical, hearing.

          Yes, take away increasingly diluted coverage for Better COVERAGE!

          That is YUGE!

          Overall, for the nation, it will put our costs per person much closer in line with the rest of the modern world too. This is crippling our economy. Big.

          What you see right now is not sustainable. We pay 2x the second most expensive systems in the world, and deliver WORSE outcomes!

          For that exhorbent expense, 30 to 40 million are not insured at all. A good 100 ish million are embarrassingly under insured, and some 500k people per year go bankrupt, and 40k die related to under insurance and or having no insurance.

          Cost escalation today outpaces wage growth (what little there is), and inflation by many multiples. Same goes for drug pricing on an increasing number of important medications.

          Every other system has meaningful cost controls and with few exceptions makes fixing sick and hurt people the priority.

          We make making money the priority. And our increasingly noncompetitive outcomes, insane cost growth, underinsured population, etc... show all that very clearly.

          Almost everyone on private plans right now is seeing, or their employer is having to write larger checks each year for increasingly diluted coverage. Delays in the form of painful preauthorizations, denials, exceptions to coverage, narrower covered medication sets, higher co pays, fees, etc...

          I know. I have had to write those checks, or take it out of employee pay, or charge customers more, etc...

          And that is if they even get the same plan. A great many don't, just get stuck with whatever hair cut happens to them each year.

          Flat out?

          You have nothing. Nada. Inaccurate talking points and FUD do not make a solid conversation.

          Go ahead. Look at where we are.

          More competition and markets are bot going to fix this. People cannot participate in those markets due to the fact that they are forced buyers in the majority of cases and or are I'll equipped to navigate an insane system to score dealz!

          And just try to have a market type conversation. I have. Some places will just give you the boot. Others have no clue. And in some cases they may have the chat, bit qualify it with an endless number of outs because medicine is not a fixed bid, discrete job type system!

          There is a ton of data out there. And right now, insurers and drug companies are doing two things:

          1) running million dollar FUD campaigns containing all you put here, BTW. Guess those are working. :D

          2) donating to anyone willing to continue the mess we have going on right now.

          Have you ever been abroad? I have. Ever have meaningful health care type discussions, and or need to use the systems you find?

          I have.

          What we have going on right now is an embarrassment and terror inducing to most people unfamiliar with the way things are here.

          And just for shits and giggles, embargoed Cuba has better national outcomes and a solid treatment for lung cancer no less. They are working with stones and chisels!

          Nobody is talking about VA style socialized medicine.

          And choice? LMAO! Best choose in your network, or hope the specialist you need is in network you choose now, if you even get to choose, or you have assets you can trade for your or beloved ones life.

          I had to do that. All out of houses now, BTW. She was worth it, but damn.

          Or, say you got sick. It is true they cannot deny us for having a condition, but they can price it really high, like house payment with 5k deductible type high and more.

          Death panels? US private insurers have whole buildings full of people delivering the very least care for the most of your dollars they can get and when people tip over, they could give two shits.

          Not only is your advocacy here a complete fail, it is laughable and a strong motivator to improve on efforts to educate others.

          If I was wondering before?

          Now there is no doubt. M4A is the policy goal.

          Thanks for the help. I think I will share this. Appreciated.

          Written on mobile, plz forgive typos. I should not even bother. Sheesh. Maybe I like you. Dunno...