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[–]privatejoker11 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Here's some more good Jewish satire:

Israel throws out 1.5 million flu vaccines due to lack of demand

"The 2020-2021 winter has seen zero cases of flu, after Israel ordered four million doses of flu vaccine... the health funds are now tossing 1.5 million doses of flu vaccine, after no one requested them...

The interest in flu vaccines dropped when the coronavirus vaccines arrived in Israel, and due to the lack of cases." [emphasis added]

Winter 2021: Flu not yet identified in Israel

" Israel the flu has not yet been identified this year...

Data from the Israeli Center for Disease Control (ICDC) show that there is a moderate increase in the incidence of pneumonia, but the overall morbidity rate due to respiratory infections is lower than expected at this time of year.

The report added that according to estimates, the low morbidity rate is due to both an increase in the rate of vaccination against influenza and a decrease in infection due to the decrease in world travel and the increased use of masks." [emphasis added]