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[–]dcjogger 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The USA is finished.

The US is now a bankrupt warmongering police state. The government is no longer legitimate. There is no rule of law. The government and illegal immigrants don't obey the law, why should you?

Some Americans may have thought freedom was good and tyranny was bad in the past, but today you can see why tyranny is a nightmare.

Living in a police state changes everything.

Instead of going to school and working to improve, Americans now must either choose to put their heads in the sand, pretend everything is fine, and continue to pay taxes that fund wars, debt, and tyranny, or give up, or waste your life trying to resist.

The elites have turned everyone into cowards, criminals, liars, or hypocrites today.

Americans can't escape to another country because every nation is a police state now. You will be arrested if you seastead. The technology to live on Mars is not yet practical.

Americans are no better than animals at this stage. Nothing will improve because the elites have crossed every line and have seen that Americans will not protest anything while technology becomes even more powerful.

There is no reason to start a family now. The NSA knows if you go to the doctor, what you write, wiretaps your phone calls, knows when you travel, has your picture, knows your address, SSN, knows if you're talking to your lawyer, knows your bank balance, and what you had for supper.

If you become too famous then you will become a target or you must sell your soul and defend the ruling class.

Moral people like Manning, Assange, and Snowden threw away their lives resisting the 1%, but Clooney, Bush, Obama, Clinton, and Bolton are safe because they are Deep State puppets.

If Americans go to Disneyland or a baseball game now, they would be forced to carry a microchip and be molested.

Some places in the US may look the same as they did 40 years ago on the surface, but the people have changed. There are more illegal immigrants and Muslims and Americans have become more immoral, fatter, in debt, dependent, and more stupid.

The USA has declined to such a degree that the ruling class could outright order Americans to the concentration camps, and Americans wouldn't resist.

You get the feeling that the time to prepare is not tomorrow or next week or next month, but today.