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[–]IamRedBeard 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

Alright. Where is your Proof? This PSYOPs proof you got any? Or do you hang out on one of the #chans and get yourself worked up with other tweens that have weaponized their autism? Because I love those places. You want to hear my favorite quote from Q-anon? I love this and Ill quote it exactly as I read it:

"On the day of Trumps election, Hillary sent seven anonymous men to an undisclosed location and they had a secret meeting."

There was a whole thread about this and it went deep. You know, come to think of it, there were seven people that died in the Space shuttle Challenger Disaster. There were Seven people on Gilligan Island. Coincidence!?!? I THINK NOT!

Unless you have some "Evidence" about your "Hoax" I'm going to call your "truth" "Batshit Bullshit"

The world used to keep you wacko's under rocks. Now Trump is on the loose and you bastards have come out with your foil hats on, naked and hissing at the bright lights and blurting out Nonsense!

[–]Jesus 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

I could show you thousands of videos and research papers illustrating a PSYOP. However, they're memory-holed off most websites now, that censorship purge became effective September 11th 2018, of all days. The only ones left talking about PSYOPS that were made legal under the SMith Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 are cointelpro assets such as the shill fetzer, ALex Zionist Liar Jones and other pro-Trump hardliners. They effectively hijacked the information and memory holed most of it. Many of the recent shootings, the high profiles ones are HSEEP drills. Table Top exercises passed off as real. There's hundreds of participants involved who years before sign non-disclosure agreements, and national security clauses. The script writer for many of these shootings was a crisis management company called Obsidian now defunct but likely became a conglomerate with another company A document was whistleblowed illustrating how they write the scripts and the entities involved and how to use cognitive infiltration and perception management to control the situation as the drill goes down.

Yes, the media is involved. The national news willingly participate in the drills. Some however are not, such as the local news stations. Hence, why the tactics of percception management MUST be utilized to control the event.

I can't say that all the shootings are PSYOPs. but they now have the LEGAL authority to conduct them.

O-ANON is a farce and straight out of the Trump admins pocket as a cognitive infiltration tactic to discredit conspiracies. Truth seekers know that Q-anon was a psyop from its very origin. The only people I know who believe in Q-anon are Trump supporters and 70 year olds.

I can give you an example of a hoax, and the media USING criminals and D-listed actors. However, I WILL NOT SOURCE any of it here.

Orlando shooting is a good place to start. I'm very carfeul WHO I share some of the information with because when people ask for the information, that information is subsequently deleted and memory-holed. Shills often ask for the links; I send them, and they are deleted shortly after. I don't know you, so I do not trust you at all. The information I have illustrates that EVERY witness and player in the Orlando Shooting was an actor who failed miserably out of hollywood, or, and for the most part criminals out on high bonds. Likely, these bonds are erased once they participat in the event. ALL OF THEM. And the media has a funny way of changing their names so researchers can not find out who they are or conenct nugshots. Many of these players have multiple aliases too. Like I said, I have all the information proving with out a doubt that they fake shootings and have the legal authority to do it. I have all the information proving that the media uses actors and criminals in these media inspired events. However, I can only name drop ONE NAME, and I think you will see that what I'm saying is NOT crazy if you watch his videos.

If you want to listen to a level headed mechanical engineer from the UK talk about specific PSYOPs in a markedly detailed way, we are talking about 7 hours of video and research on one event w/ FOIA requested information than DUCKDUCKGO or QUANT ----- UK Critical Thinker. Don't Google him because google censors lots of material. I will only name drop. I'm far to careful in sourcing these links because they always get deleted.

And I want you to know I DO NOT SUPPORT TRUMP. Whenever I talk about how FOX News or CNN or MSNBC or how our entire national news is infiltrated by the mockingbird methedology I am attacked and either called a Trump supporter, Alt-right loon or leftists, or nazi.

What Trump does SO, SO, SO well is become the faux-antagonist of censorship and fake journalism. He essentially calls everything targeted at him as fake news so that when any one is a skeptic of the news as a whole they are immediately deemed a Trump supporter. Make no mistake this is an entire charade, a cognitive infiltration tactic to garner support.

[–]IamRedBeard 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Alright. I'm listening - but you have to understand that anytime somebody starts off a conversation with me that basically says "Deny what your eyes see and your ears hear" My guard goes up and I become a skeptic.

You hint at links and names and conspiracies and then I think the next thing you will tell me is that you are Art Bell and you faked your death because "they were on to you" In this day and age you never know what somebody is going to throw at you. Finally, I honestly believe there is only one way to have a foolproof conspiracy. If you and two buddies have a dark secret, you swear to tell nobody and erase all proof. Then you kill your two buddies.

Im not saying that there are no conspiracy's and that none can exist, I'm just skeptical that the whole thing can be as convoluted and have so many people involved and yet not have it be common knowledge. I've seen our congress. They are technological morons. Monkeys with sticks when it comes to computers and encryption. Everybody thought Steve Jobs was a genius and yet he died because he tried Holistic medicine to cure his cancer instead of actual medicine.

Top minds of this world all over the place and yet every one of them flawed humans with addictions and hangups and greed and envy and petty rivalries and you are telling me through all of this that there are huge leaks that make these dark secrets common knowledge?

Everybody is trying to make their marks and cracking open big secrets are what some people live for.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Several years ago I shunned anyone who brought up the idea that the media broadcasts pre-packaged government news, specifically from the DoD, and DHS affiliated private institutions that regularly conduct HSEEP, full community table top exercises. The trade name for these events are called Active Shooter Drills, however, under the code name CAPSTONE EVENT. Usually, they have a meeting place a few miles away where participants are bused to the event planned for that day.

I decided awhile back to prove that what people were telling me were lies and cooked up in the fringes of conspiracy land. Well that certainly was not the conclusion through my research and FOIA requests.

I mentioned UK Critical THinker, I think you should watch his videos on Orlado, and the Fort Lauderdale airport handgun shooting. The latter was conducted just days before legislation was to be passed making it legal to carry handguns in airports. The motive was social engineering in order so said legislation would NOT be passed. UK does a wonderful job of depicting the entire event, the players, the laughable anomalies and hoels in the offical story and the complete and utter messups, implicating the national media in this PSYOP. Be forewarned, his videos are not fast paced, or cutting edge, they are very detailed and slow, pointing out all the anomalies and even countering his own arguments. He and a few other researchers, most banned and censored, are the ONLY researchers I would request others, who are new to this watch.

Deny what your eyes see and your ears hear" My guard goes up and I become a skeptic.

Yes, I admit, sometimes I forget that the majority of people do not see what I see, nor have the researched the possibility of PSYOP drills being conducted and passed off as real. In a town a few miles away from some of my friends a PSYOP was conducted, where a straight black man went into a crowd at a gay nightclub took his handgun out and shot three shots into the air, outside the crowded club. He then ran and was arrested and let free.

The motive and reason? Easy, law enforcement hired him to do it because a gay pride event was to occur the VERY NEXT DAY, and novody was hired as security for the event. Rest assured that same law enforcement that let the guy go was then hired and charged a high fee to conduct the security needed for the event.

Law enforcement does this all the time, because for many of these events they turn private to profit off of security. In fact the new age of the technocracy will be based off security and security usually can only make a high margin profit off fear, theatrical or not.

I want you to research cognitive infiltration there are many book on it. THe obama administration created a team of propagandists, and this is admitted, to infiltrate the truth movement, specifically anyone who question 9/11. These agents were to become the controlled oppositions and disinformationalists of said movement in order to push alternative, reductio ad absurdum theories about 9/11 such as the NUKE Theory, No plane theory, Space beams and DEW theories, etc,. Agents were literally hired to infiltrate truth movements, and this is not a new thing. Conspiracy theory was coined by the CIA back during Nixon's administration in order to discredit any opposing view concerning the CIA or the social and geopolitical status quo agenda. It has worked brilliantly ever since. The goal, is to get the majority of persons to appeal to reason; and use the hive mind of cognitive dissonace and mob mentality to attack the very core of the term conspiracy.

There's no such thing as a foolproof conspiracy, whistleblowers do exist and do talk, there's been many people who have come out and have stated they were hired by crisis management companies to act in these events. Then you have compartmentalization which hides the very conspiracy and even to thsoe participating in the event.

Our congress are morons, but we are a corporatocracy and these companies that have absolute knowledge of freudian psycology are templars of social engineering. The rest is just media propaganda. Incompetence is another propaganda tactic in order for us to disbelieve that a wide ranging conspiracy could ever take place. This is another perception management tactic in psyops to prove that a conspiracy could nto take place, even with compartmentalization because said persons are too incompetent. The incompetence is largely theatrical.

Everybody is trying to make their marks and cracking open big secrets are what some people live for.

I think most people just want to expose the principalities of darkness and lies.

I'll send over the tactics of perception management if you would like. That way when you watch an event, and D ONOT BELIEVE THE MEDIA, JSUT BECAUSE THEY TOLD YOU SOMETHING HAPPENED. THEY READ OFF OF A SCRIPT.

I believed the Orlanod shooting was a real event until I started to do my own research that means, ordering death certificates, finding burial records, even calling the players involved which I and another researcher did. The individual who was shot 4 times in teh back and stomache made a full recovery in a day and was interviewed on CNN teh next day. It is an insult to our intelligence. So we called the guy, and he was doing some dumb live feed on his facebook page shirtless and he had NO, SCARS or bullet hoels or anything. He was such a fraud and a liar. The reason he did it, because he has a criminal records, lots of mugshots, a high bond and now has a gofraudme account and garnered hundreds of thousands of dollars. It sickens me.

Anyway, I'll send you the methods if you want, that way you'll be able to pinpoint whether event appears real or not. It isn't proof of a staged drill but it will aloow you to see if they are following the perception management tactics.

I'll give you one simpel example of the methodology:

Simultaneous 'drills' or 'public safety drills' take place at the precise time of the event. This is done for two reasons, primarily. The first, is to draw manpower away from readiness to respond to 'real' attack. The second reason, is so there is an ability for the 'drill' to GO LIVE at the last moment. This confuses the readiness and response of systems, who would then be completely nullified.


[–]IamRedBeard 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

IF you PM me some things Ill have a look. Ive been doing some reading. Some of you have me thinking I'm the one out of the loop. But you have to understand I have been seeing off the wall news since the last four years of Obama. My biggest problem with him was that he was a centrist Dem. and part of the status quo. A vanilla president, ironically.

But Ill tell you this: I'm a red bearded man who likes to hunt, fish, shoot guns, and I think the v8 engine is a thing of beauty. I used repair and troubleshoot computers. I also happen to be a huge nerd in the classic sense. I liked Spider Man before he was cool. I got a commodore 64 in 1984 and have been an addicted to technology since. I have a beautiful lady in my life and I am secure in my manhood enough to tell you I have Several LGBTQ friends. My last fiancee was a lady of color. I have worked along side of and eatin many a feast with Coonassed Cajuns and folks of all color. I used to get the best Tamales I have ever had from a beautiful Mexican lady that had a gay son that was a friend of mine.

So while I live in a red state, lived ALL OVER the deep south and have a great many ties to things some folks might call Right Leaning's - If you send me anything that bashes gays, tells me woman are beholden to men, or tries to tell me that Mexican babies should be in cages or that I should fear the black man -

-And Im out. Ill listen to anything else you have to say with an open mind. So you want to send me things that might open my eyes and take off some blinders, Ill have a look and possibly a discussion about it. I want to know more but if you get alt-righty on me and we aint gonna be friends any more.