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[–]dcjogger[S] 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

The USA is now an immoral bankrupt warmongering police state flooded with illegal immigrants.

Americans either don't know or want to know that the US is collapsing or think that nothing can be done to save the USA.

There is also a group of people like Thomas Paine, Patrick Henry, Gandhi, MLK, Snowden, and Assange who see the problems of the world and cannot stay silent even when speaking up is risky.

If you see the problems with the US and are having trouble sleeping at night, now is the time to say something.

The collapse is real and is getting worse by the day. The problems will not go away. Even if we cannot save the USA, we must at least try to wake people up and prepare them so that they can be allies when the US Ponzi economy collapses, the civil war breaks out, and the elites start WWIII.

What good would money do if you end up in a concentration camp?

One way to raise awareness about the collapse is to make and pass out business cards with links to:

You should also start a website today with links to pro-freedom sites like the Infowars, Lewrockwell, Blacklistednews, Zerohedge, Whatreallyhappened, Cato, Mises Institute, Judicial Watch, Institute for Justice, Heritage Foundation, the Hoover Institution, ACLU, Libertarian Party, NRA, the Birch Society, militias, and John Stossel, Ron Paul, and John Whitehead articles to get the word out. Every freedom website will increase awareness and bring more people to our side.

Most people know something is wrong, but they don't know what and feel hopeless about what to do. The best weapon Americans have against the elites is our numbers.

The 1% can use all of the power of the media, corporations, Hollywood, Wall Street, and the government to defeat the patriots, but we must try. You have to live with your conscience.

[–]Jesus 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

infowars is cointelpro. A lot of the institutes you've mentioned are nothing more than controlled oppositions masquerading as examples of truth and liberty. If these so called freedom institutions sound too good to be true they probably are. Plus, many of the institutions you mentioned for instance, Judicial Watch are far right wing.

9/11 is the litmus test, and all the wars created through the use of false flags as pretext for intervention for defense contractors, the arms industry, our security and mass surveillance apparatus, etc., If these institutions refuse to awknowledge government complicity and foreign intelligence implicity including, Israeli intelligence, i.e. Mossad; Pakistanian intelligence, Saudi intelligence and Austrian Intelligence, than they are working intentionally or not with the enemy.

Trump is just as much swamp as any of the leftists preaching censorship, the only difference is Trump plays the part of the protagonist, acting against the interests of the media conglomerates, that we continue to trust the medias narratives, if not, make it a priority. They're all conplicit, the entire state, from top to bottom.

Once you realize that politics is the entertainment industry of the bankers, internationalists and military industrial complex, only then you'll see the absurdities of current events. The theatrics, psychological operations and mass manipulation of social behavior. We are in a state deteriorating from ideaological subversion and demoralization.