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[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Something that everyone knows, is that organized crime is heavily involved with Hollywood. Gun trafficking, child trafficking, drug trafficking, are all on the sets. Fake passports. Fake documents. No problem. Look at the movies they make.

If you watch the stand up comedians regularly, like podcast and shit. You will hear them casually mention drug connections and shady shit. Like, o hey, no big deal, but we went to this Whore house. We found some coke. We were tripping on pure x. These people offered us shit.

Go to ticket master, and check out the shows.

Those shows, the constant moving. The constant hustle and bustle. Ticket sales. Alcohol sales. Food sales. Drugs. Night life. Celebrities.

There is a lot of fucky shit that goes on.

I think Saget ended up on the wrong side of some kind of fucked up shit.