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Increasing the minimum wage providing health care for all, education all, simply good for America supporting Wolfpac and ending money in politics. No, free markets is playing into the moneys greedy hand Eveytime. How about letting the people decide. You want to move and not loose insurance? Cover all. You want less wellfair stop buying cops and courts to do the dirty work. Ending private middleman in prisons food supply, education, tax property breaks for all of them, taxing the filthy rich is the answer. Here is an exercise. In America we have a work force of 160+ billion workers. Of that we have half making less than $15.00 an hour. I know pitiful. The cost of the minimum wage increase boils down to a average of $5.00 and hour to all of them. If you multiply this number by 80 billion people. You come up with 400 million dollars and hour of new spending in America. That's makes America great again. All tax free. Billions of dollars a day. Being spent where you live mostly local in your business. I think you right to complain, but it will take more than that. Destroying the safety net of jobs is what you miss, unions and wages is how to fix poverty. Cutting the cost of doing that is more important then complaining about it as a function of a broken governance. I say 25.00 an hour isn't even close to what we really need. Freemarket is really the worst solution I have ever heard. We tried it for the last fourth years an I say ending public management is what got us to right now. Maybe I'm wrong but at least I'm willing to try a different way today. Don't be so afraid of what's right and good for us all. Or you give up your right to change it. Cause let's face facts it is our solutions have been coopted by what money wants you to believe it's the poor and hungry that are the problem?. It is all of our money we buy from the fed goes to the rich never comes back to us while we pay the interest on that money everyday while they hide it away from all of us that the broken system I want to fix. This time with out haircuts for all of us, and none for them.That's what's broken not what you think is broken. It is the wealth transfer to our filthy rich you have ignored. You mostly right but you drank the poison pill in solutions. Tax them and tax them often. Pay us more and do that often save trillions by expanding health care to all. Educate our next generation. Build public jobs and regulate the banks. All way better ideas in my opinion.