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[–]dcjogger 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The US feels like the Twilight zone today.

The elites are destroying the USA through debt, wars, and tyranny and Americans either don't know or do not want to know.

Most of those who are awake either think Fascism is the American way or think that Communists never killed anyone.

When the US collapses and the revolution starts will Americans kill the politicians, police, soldiers, Jews, billionaires, reporters, actors, liberals, Muslims, blacks, feminists, or illegal aliens? Everyone?

Americans seem to sense that they are on the Titanic.

If you go outside today, you'll see that many Americans look shell-shocked.

The homeless look broken.

The young people look either ignorant, sullen, or apathetic.

Girls are either fat or sluts.

White men are often either angry, silent, or have a sense of humor.

White-collar bankers, stockbrokers, and insurance agents seem to have fake laughs.

Some preppers seem to think they will be safe when the shit hits the fan because the USA is a big country, but being a large nation didn't stop the USSR from being locked down. Modern times are even worse than the Cold War because of surveillance cameras and satellites and there are no more free countries to flee to.

Maybe the only hope we have is that either the ruling class becomes sane soon or the 1% manages to kick the debt can down the road for another 50 years.