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[–]Jesus 5 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

His book although good, fails to mention Rabbi Dov Zakheim and his connections to TriData, WTC7, SPC and the reinforced tanker planes; Pentagon Comptroller, etc. He was also the man who put the statement "like a New Pearl Harbor" in PNAC's RAD's document. He and the Likudnik neoconservatives are notorious political shapeshifters who obtained help from Netanyahu, Trump's Lawyer Giuliani, Perle, Feith, Scooter Libby, Wolfowitz (later president of the World Bank for crying out loud), and many others. These people planned this event and had contractors do the work for them. In my research Mossad, elements within Saudi intelligence, a 5th column faction in the CIA and an upper hierarchy in the FBI prevented invetigations on the Zionist infiltrated Port Authority. Many low level FBI agents either lost their jobs or mysteriously died. Robert Mueller was the man of thr hour during 9/11 and espeically the Mossad orchestrated Anthrax attacks. The anthrax attack, was pushed by Zionises in the media and even boasted about on 9/11 by Donald kagen and Bill Kristol's, both neoconservatives. Bill (william) Kristol in fact was also a signee of PNAC, and other neocon think tank documents.

Trump and Guiliani were also involved and continue to push the official lie. Kissenger and David Rockefeller, the neoliberalist was also involved, the latter being the developer of the WTC complex. Then you have Zionist Silverstein and Lowy, both Jews and both good friends with Trump and Netanyahu.

It was a Zionist orchestrated but considering Jeb Bush was also a PNAC signee and others who were not neoconservatives we must conclud hat not everyone was in the know of the plan. PNAC was the plan after the pretext. Not everyone knew the details of this false flag pretext.

I don't like blaming everything on Israel though. Because it was also our government controlled by Zionists. If we blame an outside force only, then we are disregarding the very real danger that is already in the US government.

The oddity with all this kabuki theater though currently happening is that Bush neocons, at least Kristol and Kagen are NOT fond of Trump, but newer neocons are. Neocons despise Putin and were at one time trotskyites. So, they have a strong hatred for Stalinism but not Trotskyist communism.

It's clear there are different types of Zionists with different geopolitical agenda. But they all agree with the political ideology of Zionism and obliterating American's rights.