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[–]dcjogger 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Everything is just a big joke now. Everything is a lie.

The government doesn't obey the law, but expects you to obey the law and pay taxes.

Lerner wasn't jailed for using the IRS to target conservatives.

Clapper wasn't jailed for lying to Congress.

CIA wasn't punished for torturing.

NSA isn't stopped for unconstitutionally wiretapping.

The Gestapo aren't punished for shooting unarmed Americans in the back.

Clinton wasn't jailed for sending top secret information on an unsecured computer.

The globalists committed fraud and were rewarded with billion dollar bailouts instead of being arrested.

Assange was jailed for telling about government abuse.

You don't know what the truth is when everything is a lie.

Is Alex Jones a patriot or controlled opposition?

How can there be global warming when there is record cold?

Was the Malaysia Airlines plane shot down by Ukraine or Russia?

Was 9/11 committed by terrorists or Jews?

How do you know?

You can go to jail if you feed the homeless or murder someone today.

How can you live when watering your lawn or not watering your lawn is illegal?

How do you live when starting a business is illegal?

How do you live when sheltering illegal aliens or refusing to rent illegal immigrants is illegal?

How do you live when being homeless is illegal?

How do you live when carrying cash or depositing less than $10,000 into your own bank account is a crime?

Americans walk around in some alternate world today thinking that North America was uninhabited in 1492 and the US had food stamps and TSA groping in 1776.

Nothing can change without a violent revolution because protesting is illegal and the US is not a democracy.

You can't talk about the problems or find solutions because the one thing Americans can agree on now is that they absolutely hate free speech.