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[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

So you're acknowledging that children do indeed transition and even receive sexual reassignment surgery? They can also receive hormone treatments in their teens, and puberty blockers are part of transition. Also, social transition from a young age, especially as young as THREE, makes a person more likely to continue down the path of full medical transition, and so it takes people down that path who would have otherwise desisted. Every gay and lesbian child experiences gender dysphoria, and it generally improves greatly when they learn that other homosexuals exist, and can join a community of people like themselves and become comfortable in their identity as gay or lesbian.

Puberty blockers are to delay puberty so that they don't have to do gender affirming hormone treatment or gender affirming surgery on a kid.

You're wrong about this one too. For one, they can and do still give hormones and surgery to kids.

Puberty blockers lower the IQ of children and harm physical development in other ways. Puberty blockers for males make sexual reassignment surgery extremely difficult because to be frank, it gives you a micropenis and there's not enough tissue to construct the neovagina.

And puberty can not be "delayed". You don't get those years back. If a kid takes puberty blockers for two or three years and then desists, they will still end up underdeveloped.

But it seems in that case (Jazz Jennings) they were pretty confident of the psychology, and they seem to have gotten it right.

Perhaps you haven't seen the show (I don't blame you, reality shows are trashy), but Jazz Jennings is in extremely poor health, both physically and especially mentally. We can imagine a world where Jazz Jennings is a happy gay adult instead of a suicidal transsexual who has never experienced sexual arousal, much less orgasm, and has neurological and psychiatric issues along with severe morbid obesity and an array of other physical health problems.

---- All the signs that Jazz and other male "trans kids" display are actually signs of being gay. Being extremely girly as children and getting along considerably better with girls because they're psychologically more similar are signs of being gay. It doesn't mean that they need to become trans.

It would be more complete if they surveyed the dead as well. But, given that you can't do that, the about ~97% of living trans people is still overwhelming.

You really don't see the issue with excluding people who commit suicide from a study about people's satisfaction with something that is supposed to improve their mental health? Especially since suicide is the #1 talking point used to convince parents to start their kids on that path in the first place?

It's important not to make that mistake when you're doing diagnosis. If someone has an extremely homophobic family you need to be especially cautious. Mistakes have, indeed, been made.

Homophobia isn't the only reason that homosexuals experience gender dysphoria, and if you're arguing that everyone with gender dysphoria should transition, that includes every single homosexual with vanishingly few exceptions, especially if you're arguing that it's okay for them to start the process in childhood.

But the other 97% were correctly diagnosed, and are happier, have fewer mental issues, and kill themselves less because of the treatments that we have for that diagnosis.

The claim that they kill themselves less is completely baseless, especially considering you're making it in the same sentence that you use a statistic where suicides were excluded.

edit: ----