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[–]EternalSunset[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The reaper DOES require men. Drones do not design, engineer, program, assemble, inspect, repair, refuel, rearm, command or operate themselves. The misunderstanding you are making is thinking this is about just raw strength and masculinity, when in reality it is about the fierceness, morale, determination and fighting spirit of men. People who don't believe what they fight for is worth more than their own lives, those people do not fight. The US is a declining power and it is on the path to be challenged by and overcome by China, even the US military itself can foresee and is preparing for this future, this is why they are preparing to go to war with China and prevent this.

The decadence you say decadent societies offer is a solace not a gift. A synthetic replacement for the real thing that they don't believe you deserve. If they give you pornography, a man's anus, a plastic doll, a VR headset, or a 'gender transition', none of that will ever make it up for the love of a real woman, nor will any of this allow you to ever experience the unconditional love of holding in your arms a son that is truly yours. It's all meant to dull us, in the same vein they would have us take anti-depressants because we can't have joy, eat crickets because we can't have nutrition and own nothing because they are taking everything. We would never slumber and accept such a thing if we weren't kept asleep and unaware of the truth, and this is where you are wrong; they would never get away with this without numbing us through their decadence.