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[–]kokolokoNightcrawler 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

We can't just send them to Mexico. These are human beings we are talking about here!

And they have so much to offer. They work hard, they pay taxes, and they know delicious recipes. What minuscule upfront cost there is in housing them, educating them, caring for them, and providing their medical care is nothing compared to what they offer in the long run. They increase the GDP.

So, that's why I say they should all be sent to Israel, by the millions if necessary. Mass 3rd world immigration is a valuable resource and so America can't just hoard it all for ourselves, which would essentially be reverse colonizing the planet.

Send them to Israel. Israel could use the strengthening. And why stop there? Send African migrants to south America, and send South American migrants to Africa, and both regions will be super duper strengthened and enriched into futurist utopias.

That's why 3rd world countries are 3rd world anyways. Because rich white countries have stolen all the immigrants for themselves.

Thans brudda