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[–]madcow-5 4 insightful - 3 fun4 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

Because of crime, taxes, and riots the flight to rural and suburbs will continue.

Not only that, the past year, psychologically, has made everyone less outgoing, at least when it comes to social outings such as bars, restaurants, nightclubs.

It's funny how millennials talked last year about having a "roaring 20's". We just had something similar to the roaring 20's in terms of parties and social outings. The 2010's. Every person and their mom was going out like crazy, foodie culture was bigger than ever, bars were tripping over themselves to come up with the next novel concept bar, whether it was a speakeasy theme, a purposefully over the top dive bar, gastro pubs, or micro breweries. Now a tremendous portion have shut down, and the ones that are still afloat have been neutered in terms of the experience. Nobody wants to sit in a 2/3 empty restaurant with yellow tape and signs about covid everywhere, being forced to sit 6 ft apart at the bar, if they can sit at the bar at all, while being served the restaurant's tightened-belt budget version of their previous menu.

Without a lively restaurant and bar scene, or large public events such as concerts, block parties, and festivals, there's little up-side to living in a city.