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I don't remember you being that fat, jet. Don't go wild.

I never thought I'd say this phrase, but... Jason is right. If you lose weight too quickly past the age of like 35, you'll have a bunch of loose, saggy skin which is gross and kinda defeats the purpose if you want to lose weight (in part) to be hot. Plus you won't feel light and free like that.

If you're drinking ANY drinks with any added sugar, stop. Soda, lemonade, tea with sugar, all of it. Switch to unsweetened seltzers and herbal teas like chamomile and peppermint.

Are you on any medication right now? Medicines like hormonal birth control can and will make you fat since hormones control and coordinate the body's metabolism. Even fucking with just the sex hormones goofs everything up. I forget how old you are which would also help me tailor my advice.

But honestly the real secret to losing weight is adderall. Especially if you have low blood pressure and you're depressed. It was a game-changer for me, but came with the unfortunate side effect of turning me from skinny to skeletal. I am never hungry. I can only stomach one meal a day and drink meal replacement shakes to try and supplement.