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[–]rightm[S] 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (10 children)

Maybe you'd be surprised but I don't even consider myself racist anymore. I'm trying to learn hebrew. I try to do so much in order to not make myself feel like some kind of secret Hitler, but no matter what I do, I can't just stop noticing the things that I'm noticing. I don't know what to do anymore. Given what I know about spying and psychological operations, I'm so scared that every "wrong" feeling or thought that I have will somehow be exposed and then used against me, like if I write something down in a note, or even in an anonymous blog. And it's not like I can just silence my thoughts. I'm actually posting this here fully aware that I'm already doxxed and there are probably federal agents reading this right now.

People keep telling me to "just ignore politics", but this is impossible when so many people around me, especially the people of my peer and age group, who in my mind are supposed to just be psychologically healthy normal people, almost all seem to be psychologically brainwashed by the politics I am somehow supposed to ignore. How can I escape politics when everyone around me seems to be so brainwashed and so fully captured by this new age bullshit?

[–]MarkimusNational Socialist 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Good to see you again brother.

Maybe you'd be surprised but I don't even consider myself racist anymore. I'm trying to learn hebrew. I try to do so much in order to not make myself feel like some kind of secret Hitler, but no matter what I do, I can't just stop noticing the things that I'm noticing. I don't know what to do anymore. Given what I know about spying and psychological operations, I'm so scared that every "wrong" feeling or thought that I have will somehow be exposed and then used against me, like if I write something down in a note, or even in an anonymous blog. And it's not like I can just silence my thoughts. I'm actually posting this here fully aware that I'm already doxxed and there are probably federal agents reading this right now.

You need to listen to Strike and Mike, The People's Square and anything else Striker is on. You are lacking moral confidence, this is something he talks about a lot. You love your people, you hate the evil people doing injustices on your people due to this love. There's nothing about this that is 'wrong' and you need to internalise that you are morally correct, and in fact most people agree with us.

People keep telling me to "just ignore politics", but this is impossible when so many people around me, especially the people of my peer and age group, who in my mind are supposed to just be psychologically healthy normal people, almost all seem to be psychologically brainwashed by the politics I am somehow supposed to ignore. How can I escape politics when everyone around me seems to be so brainwashed and so fully captured by this new age bullshit?

You can't, there's no escaping it and the people telling you to 'just ignore it' are cowards who think they can just stick their heads in the sand. Well that's not going to happen, they won't leave white people alone until we're all dead. I think you should do the opposite of their 'advice' and seek out nationalists near you. Life is much better when you are regularly meeting up with /ourguys/ in real life socialising, physically training, and doing activism.

Lastly I recommend reading For My Legionaries and Conquering Berlin, and any other memoirs/biographical works of nationalist organisers from last century. I haven't read My Struggle but I'm sure it's great, Goebbels' diaries and his book 'The Struggle for Berlin' also might be great ones to look into. PM me if you want a link to 'The Struggle for Berlin', I can send you the PDF.

[–]DragonerneJesus is white 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Maybe you'd be surprised but I don't even consider myself racist anymore. I'm trying to learn hebrew. I try to do so much in order to not make myself feel like some kind of secret Hitler, but no matter what I do, I can't just stop noticing the things that I'm noticing. I don't know what to do anymore.

I don't consider myself racist anymore either. Is it really racist not wanting to be genocided? Is it really racist to want what is best for your race? You probably don't even want to harm other races and if you are like me, you would probably be happy to see them succeed as well. But you are noticing that your race is being silenced, being oppressed, being enslaved through debt, being ruled over by a foreign elite who wants us dead, etc. None of this is racist nor is it evil to notice or say. It is heroic to speak up about it and few dare.
You don't have to appease leftists or appeal to their morals, because their morals are evil.
They are not your friends and you are not supposed to work with everyone or make everyone happy.
If you are like me, then when talking to people, you can instantly feel if they are receptive to your beliefs or not,and if they are not, then they are not your allies but your enemies. If they push back, and its not just cogdis, then consider them to be enemies and to be evil.

Because they are.
Leftists want to promote degeneracy, ruin your culture, expose your children to porn, racemix your women, enslave you, murder your babies(abortion), cut the dicks off your sons, literally anything evil you can even think of and that is what they support. You can literally not find one opinion leftists have that benefit you or your race in any way because they are pure evil.

Will you be exposed? Exposed for being Good? Exposed by who exactly? Jews who wants to murder you, install antiwhite discrimination laws? Who exactly are you afraid of? They are evil.

You shouldn't ignore politics. You should live out your politics and make them a reality locally within your community. You will only face resistance from your enemies and those who are already working to genocide us.

[–]NeoRail 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (7 children)

I don't think we have ever spoken before and I do not know your circumstances, but going off of this post, you sound neurotic and need to develop a more relaxed mindset not just for now but also in the long term. No one can forcibly expose anything that you do not want to expose, and there is no reason why you should be afraid of something like that either even if it was possible, because it wouldn't be the end of the world. I don't know what you have read about psychological operations either, but there's lots of nonsense out there that's totally groundless. In the first place, the intelligence services do not care about random posters on fully legal forums - at best, you will only be able to find NGO shills. You should also remember that the law still exists, and that it not only provides basic protections to everyone, but also limits intrusions into the privacy of citizens and penalises any illegal violations.

Once you are relaxed and are no longer stressed by concerns like these, you will be able to reflect on politics and on your values with a clear head.

[–]rightm[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (6 children)

you sound neurotic and need to develop a more relaxed mindset not just for now but also in the long term ... You should also remember that the law still exists, and that it not only provides basic protections to everyone, but also limits intrusions into the privacy of citizens and penalises any illegal violations.

I'm really not worried about the law or legal issues, there are much more sinister and demonic forces in the world that have to do with issues deeper and darker than anything that can be prosecuted in a public court. I am worried about private and covert forces. Also, communists don't believe in privacy. While there are tonnes of things happening that I can't really confirm with concrete evidence, I can concretely confirm that my phone has been hacked before to play the audio clip "kill yourself" before. Thus whoever is targeting me clearly wouldn't mind if I was dead. Given that I have concrete evidence for this, it gives me backing for all of the other fucked up sinister things that I am noticing in my life, with respect to being monitored, followed, stalked and otherwise psychologically operated on. It's hard to not be neurotic when people literally want to murder me and are spying on me to such an extreme extent, monitoring my every movement, thought and feeling.

[–]MarkimusNational Socialist 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

How long have you been feeling like this bro? It sounds like you're having a bout of psychosis, paranoia, or a mental breakdown or something along these lines. I have a family friend with schizophrenia and he has these kinds of thoughts, you should talk to a psychiatrist; find one that isn't jewish, of course.

[–]NeoRail 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

I have heard stories like yours before. The first thing to consider is that you are probably extremely distressed right now. Even people who learn to cope with experiences like this and consider them "normal" are typically in a state of extreme distress. The most important thing to do is to calm down as much as you are able. When a person is in distress, it is more difficult to evaluate things correctly - it is easier to do so when you are calm. If you find it comforting, approach the issue logically - think about these experiences and try to see if they make sense. Why would anyone be stalking and tracking you specifically? What reasons are there to do so, when you are just a normal guy? Who would do such a thing, and how? I do not know how literal you are with this, but I should note that it is absolutely impossible for other people to monitor your thoughts and feelings. No one can see inside your mind, just like you cannot see inside the minds of others. Try and see if what you are experiencing sounds reasonable - I am sure that you see and hear these things with great clarity, but think and see if they also makes sense or not. Sometimes things we experience clearly turn out to be untrue, and even impossible in retrospect - like a mirage in the desert. Approaching things with this perspective may be helpful, because in my experience - and I have met a few people who have very similar stories to yours - even though the experiences these people have are very strong, none of them can really explain to me who is tracking them or how, or how it would be possible for anyone to monitor their minds or engage in other such impossible activities. I do not know you, and I do not know your circumstances, but it sounds to me like you are dealing with mental illness, possibly paranoid schizophrenia. Many people have this disease, and it is possible for them to lead wholesome, fulfilling lives if they receive the support they need - this is an illness like any other, and you should not feel afraid or ashamed to seek help. Life can be better, but I recommend that you seek out psychiatric help as soon as possible. Living like this must be extremely distressing for you, and unfortunately if left untreated, the symptoms will probably get worse over time, which is very taxing on the mind no matter how mentally resilient you are - such a thing will probably lead you to develop attachment to your experiences, and also various dysfunctional coping mechanisms in order to deal with them. That is why it is important for you to get the help you need. I do not know you, but whatever your situation may be, I hope you feel better soon, because what you have described must be very difficult to deal with. I do not know if any of my advice is of any help to you - if it is, then that is good, and if it is not, then I hope you discover the right way forward on your own. I wish you all the best.

[–]rightm[S] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I don't mean people can read my mind or anything crazy like that, nor am I having hallucinations. I mean to say that I am being spied on, through the hacking of my phone primarily. I have concrete and obvious evidence that my phone has been hacked. And this gives me a lot of good backing for the idea that I am being monitored in other ways.

[–]NeoRail 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

In that case, I'd say try not to use your phone for a while, maybe a month or as long as you need or want - if that's not possible, buy one of those old phones that don't have internet connection since those can't be hacked. It will give you more peace of mind if nothing else, and it is better for privacy and information security. In fact, it might be good to go tech or internet free for a while, at least as much as you can manage. Get some good print books to fill in the time too. Obviously that wouldn't solve the problem you are describing, but it would definitely lower the stress. People tend to be most stressed when they feel that they can't control anything, so taking back some control should help you feel better. Then you can go from there and see how things go. Unfortunately, besides offering some advice, I can't offer any other help.

[–]AlphixNational Socialist 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Being worried about such forces is one way to invite them in. If you smoke weed, STOP NOW.