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[–]radcentristisafag 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (8 children)

I hope you are wrong, but i wouldn't be surprised.

Control both sides, you control everything.

However, if i understood correctely, in Ezequiel 38-39 it's been said that China, Russia and middle east countries will destroy the jews.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (5 children)

China was built by Bolshevik Jews, and Eurasianist Jews are on good terms with the Chinese ruling class, as well as Kaifeng Jews who make up a large portion of the Chinese ruling class. The problem with "Jews as a race concept," is that is negates rabbinic Judaism as a backwards unredeemable religion with no good qualities whatsoever. Judaism sustains itself through nepotism, torture of children, usury and anti-goyimism, as a religion' (sect/cult) dispersed in every country and radicalizing all kinds of people.

Putim has his own Chabadnik rabbi and is a Jew himself through his mother. Many of his relatives have Israeli citizenship.

Jews are not Israel because Israel is Christ, spiritual in nature, circumsiced of the heart, not of the genitals, as Jews, some Muslims and dumb Americans practice.

Jews are converts to Pharisaism which Jesus stood firmly against.

Judeans had the Kingdom of Judah which was at war with the kingdom of Israel.

Yes, but evenso many Judeans were of Israelite heritage.

Jews could be Canaanites, Edomites, etc., it doesn't matter at this point because nobody is pure blood anymore and ALL of them are radicalized converts of rabbinic Judaism, Cabalism or dialectical materialism of neo-sadduceeism. They are counterfeit Israel.

They are the Synagogue of Satan, Luciferiams and worshippers of the Watchers (Nephilim), as Aronofsky made quite clear with his blasphemous depiction of Noah where he made the Nephilim the good guys.

[–]Insider 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

Kaifeng Jews who make up a large portion of the Chinese ruling class

can you name a few Kaifeng Jew oligarchs in China that I can do some research on?

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

dexx731 on twitter and elsewhere has lots of sources and see here:

And here:

There are other scholarly books showing that many Chinese rulers were Kaifeng Jews.

[–]Insider 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I've read or skimmed through most of it (1st link), haven't fact checked it all. Some sources may be shaky (testimonies or hearsay are bad sources, especially with the deep state constantly making up fake news and fake history), but some sources also check out.

I do have a problem with the use of "meeting up with Jews" for the narrative that they're 1) part of the agenda or 2) controlled by them or 3) a Jew themselves. Considering that there are so many Jews that are in positions of power, it's inevitable that other leaders to hold meetings with them.

In terms of someone like Deng, he was at odds with Mao and only rose to power when Mao died. Deng introduced capitalism to China under the guise of "socialism with Chinese characteristics". The deep state then tried to overthrow Deng during the Tiananmen event. In your link, the proof given for Deng being a Jew is hearsay testimony. I would say he likely wasn't a part of the Jewish cult.

Also, I surmise that Xi doesn't exactly see eye to eye with Western Jews or that he doesn't necessarily follow the underlying ideology. Pedophilia is the main control mechanism for deep state puppets. Money is another control mechanism, but a weaker one. Neither of those can be used to control the top Chinese leaders, meaning the Jews aren't in complete control. Cult-like ideology is another control mechanism, but that can be broken out of as well.

It seems like to me that Jews are one group in power, Hibiki's work on the Jesuits makes it seem like they're another group in power. Based on mainstream conspiracy culture, anti-Semitics seems like an op that's being unnaturally promoted, especially with Kayne West's recent rant.

I think you'd need to combine my knowledge (which I haven't shared yet) + Hibiki's work + Jewish infiltration + a high-level Chinese conspiracy theorist to figure out what's actually going on.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I have a few books about Kaifeng Jews; they are older books and hard to aquire. Plus, Jews (Chinese practicing Judaism and the oral laws of the elders) were situated in China thousands of years ago as merchants and conducted banking; the Catholic Jesuit order wrote extensively about them in a book I have but cannot seem to find at the moment. have a problem with the use of "meeting up with Jews" for the narrative that they're 1) part of the agenda or 2) controlled by them or 3) a Jew themselves.

I look at Jews with a traditional latin Catholic perspective. Because of the notorious infiltration of Jews who desired to subvert and destroy the Church, first through the Jesuit order, in which was imposed a blood purity law by anti-Converso Catholic Jesuits to prevent crypto (Marrano) infiltration, and later the Church itself, anti-Pope Bergoglio (see Maurice Pinay's The Plot Againat the Church)...

...being of liberal Character and parting ways with the gospel, himself being of Jewish crypto ancestry; it is necessary to take a theological approach against Jusaism, a sect which has no redeeming qualities whatsoever. There have been Jews, that means a human born and indoctrinated into the cult of Judaism, who sincerely renounced Judaism and exposed the Talmud and became Gospel preaching Catholics who repudiated all forms of so-called Jewishness, a so-called preist by the name of Friedman comes to mind, Dennis Fahey details him in his book The Mystical Body of Christ in the Modern World.

The very idea of Jewishness, as naturalist Hitler criticized and defined as a racial construct, is simply a waste product of the racialism of rabbinic Judaism. For there would be no such thing as a irreligious, secualr Jewish Zionist ethnonationalist nor nihilistic Bolshevik Jews without Judaism! Judaism conquers through door proselytizing and indoctrination. The ruling power also uses Judaism to their advantage because of its immoral character against outsiders.

Considering that there are so many Jews that are in positions of power, it's inevitable that other leaders to hold meetings with them.

Very true. And the fact that Talmudic Judaism advocates for preemptive killing. Gentile ruling class who do not have thr armor of Christ will submit to their wishes.

In terms of someone like Deng, he was at odds with Mao and only rose to power when Mao died. Deng introduced capitalism to China under the guise of "socialism with Chinese characteristics". The deep state then tried to overthrow Deng during the Tiananmen event. In your link, the proof given for Deng being a Jew is hearsay testimony. I would say he likely wasn't a part of the Jewish cult. Also, I surmise that Xi doesn't exactly see eye to eye with Western Jews or that he doesn't necessarily follow the underlying ideology.

Yes, but Jews are not a monolith. There are eurasianist Jews opposed to unipolarist ruling class Jews. What they both have in common, however, is their hatred for Christianity.

Pedophilia is the main control mechanism for deep state puppets. Money is another control mechanism, but a weaker one. Neither of those can be used to control the top Chinese leaders, meaning the Jews aren't in complete control.

While I agree, many Jews front the Chinese ambition. They will quickly shift towards multipolarism at a moments notice, especially when they feel threatened by Gentiles in the West.

It seems like to me that Jews are one group in power, Hibiki's work on the Jesuits makes it seem like they're another group in power.

No, hibiki spews disinfo constantly. I have had a hundred run ins with him over the years (see my posts) and have debunked his work extensively. The Jesuits are a Catholic sect. They were infiltrated by Cabalistic Jews (Trump is a Cabalistic Jew) in the 15th century. True Jesuits, fought tooth and nail against this subversive order but lost in the 20th century. Today, the Jesuit order is largely controlled by Talmudic and Cabalist Jews. Again, SEE MAURICE PINAY, The Plot Against the Church. For the Jesuits, read the chapter about infiltration of the order by Jews and Freemasons.

...under the third supreme general, Francisco de Borja (of the family of Pope Alexander VI and Cesare Borgia) the Jesuit Order become to be seen as a Jewish Synagogue. Conversos [crypto-Jews] had made a complete take-over of the Society.

After Borje died, there was the counterstrike. Italian and Portuguese anti-converso lobby, most prominent being Benedetto Palmio, managed to elect Everard Mercurian as the fourth supreme general and after him Claudio Acquaviva. Under these generals the Jesuit Order pushed conversos from leading roles and stopped admission of new conversos. The purity of blood rule was mitigated in 1608, but conversos never gained back the power that they had obtained in the early years.

The study describes the actions of Acquaviva. He asked his trusted men, many of whom were anti-converso, to give opinions what should be improved in the Society. These opinions presented converted Jews as troublemakers, who should not be accepted to the Society. In 1590 Acquaviva gave secret orders to Spanish provincials to exclude New Christians from jobs that were very visible to the outside world, as their presence irritated Spanish nobles. Acquaviva did not at this point ban all of Jewish origins from joining the Society. Three years later, in 1593, Acquaviva imposed the Limpieza de sangre, which made it impossible for New Christians to join Jesuits. The study suggests the reason was that memorialistas had tried a revolt against the way Acquaviva ruled the Society. The memorialistas were a group of Spanish Jesuits, largely conversos, who were sending secret memorandums to the Spanish crown, the Inquisition and the Pope in order to get the supreme general of Jesuits (Mercurian and Acquaviva) change his orders. It was a rebel in a military order like that of Jesuits.

Whether the problem of conversos was only that they gained power in the Society, or were the conversos also leading the Society in a non-Christian spirit, is not well answered by [8]. It is explained that Palmio thought that New Christians were still Jews and “overly ambitious, insolent, Janus-faced, pretentious, despotic, astute, terrible, greedy for power, and infamous”, and that “the neophytes want to dominate everywhere and this is why the Society is agitated by the tempest of discords and acrimonies”, and that “all their and our evils proceeded from neophytes and especially from those who governed in Rome”.

"Being children of this world, pompous, cunning, fake, self-seeking, etc.,it is certain that they fit religious life very badly and that it is impossible to maintain union with them. If those of this blood are made superiors, they employ almost all their government in external things: they promote genuine mortification and solid virtues very little and seem to be merchants, seeking first seats and being called rabbis; they are hardly eager to seek perfection that is described in the parts 5 and 6 of the Constitutions; and readily admit others of the same blood who are very unworthy.”

Hibiki refuses to believe Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits, of Jewish ancestry, and a preacher of the Gospel, can somehow be a Christian if he had Jewish ancestry. At leasts 30% of the founding members had Jewish ancestry who renounced their Jewishness in good faith and exposed Judaism. Therefore, they ceased to be Jews. Had the subversive character of Judaism penetrated the early Jesuits, the Catholics would have kicked out them out. Read: The Jesuit Order as a Synagogue of Jews.

Based on mainstream conspiracy culture, anti-Semitics seems like an op that's being unnaturally promoted, especially with Kayne West's recent rant.

Antisemitism is a non-sequitur misnomer. A pedantic term cooked up by German and Jewish intellectuals in the 16 century. The root etymological meaning confines semite to a linguistic category. Hence, antisemite in its true meaning is defined as anti, in compoete opposition to Hebrew and Arabic language.

We can look at the Partition of Catholic Poland and their liberal nature on the Jews, and we can see, as Stefan Laudyn made clear, that a large percentage of Jews aided in her destruction, sided with Prussia and Russia, and then dominated the Communist 'Polish' puppet state. Criticism of Judaism is not an op, but I agree that Kanye West and his countless interviews seem to be a perception management op. After all, he is pro-Trump ans posted for revolutiom in Iran. His attack on Soros is like Yair Netanyahu's attack on Soros. So-called 'Antisemitism' increases money for the ADL hate racket as well. Think about the Jewish founded progressive ACLU siding with the leader of the American Nazi Party Frank Cohen, a pedophile Zionist Jew, who wanted to march in Jewish neighborhoods to scare them into funding the Jewish establishment cause.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

And this is why racialism of Judaism almost always inhibits the truth. It masks the true origins of Jewish supremacism which is ideology, which is Judaism.

[–]DragonerneJesus is white 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Jews aren't Israel. Christians are Israel. Judeans had the Kingdom of Judah which was at war with the kingdom of Israel. Esau and edomites resided in Judah but were not Judeans and JEWS are edomites. They are the talmudic jews. Not Judeans of the Bible.

The bible is not about Jews but about Christians. Jesus repeatedly warns against these edomites who claim to be jews but are not (rev 2:9 and 3:9) and calls them the spawns of the devil (john 8:44). Jesus also calls them antichrists and liars.