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[–]SamiAlHayyidGrand Mufti Imam Sheikh Professor Al Hadji Dr. Sami al-Hayyid 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Twittard responses to this are hilarious. The first one I saw was something like:

I thought that Ukrainians were the fascists.

Basically, some 'anti-fascist' dipshit who doesn't understand that neither side is actually 'fascist', and now having seen the odd 'fascist' on both sides is now experiencing cognitive dissonance thinking 'Wait... both sides are fascists? I've been supporting fascism all along!?'.

I couldn't help but reply with something along the lines of that he was a degenerate Twittard untermensch, only to have my account locked in literally less than five seconds after tweeting. Lmao.

That's still better than back around 2015 or so when I made an account, liked a few tech pages and then randomly had it locked without even posting anything.

I think Twitter is probably the worst of the surface websites. It's even worse than Reddit, because at least there I can call someone a degenerate Redditard without being instabanned. YouTube and Facebook at least aim to be porn-free, whereas Twitter and Reddit are chock full of the most degenerate filth imaginable. That level of asymmetry is astounding and reflects the depraved mind of its creators: porn everywhere; anti-White bilge everywhere; but mean words against poor little fragile snowflake Twittard degenerates are unacceptable.