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[–]send_nasty_stuffNational Socialist[S] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Oink oink, you're the only one babbling about vaccines you retarded schizo zombienigger.

Ad hominem. Low on the pyramid of debate. I thought you were leaving?

Number of pro-vax threads: 0 (zero

Number of pro vax comments from people that call themselves dissidents and alt right: way way more than zero.

Number of schizophrenic lunatic conspiratard threads: 5455096877353

Sorry but if you think anybody that brings up the fake pandemic is a 'lunatic conspiratard' then your just as bad as pro vaxxers if not worse because your a manipulated tool of pro vaxxers. At least /u/radicalcentrist has a username that alludes to his position (and exposes his bias).

4 billion people got vaccinated and literally NOTHING happened,

Maybe you'd know that's false if you had actually read some of those 'schizophrenic lunatic conspiratard' threads instead of jamming your fingers in your ears and humming a song to block out reality.

5.5 million people died of covid,

The majority of people that died from covid had multiple comobidities. Still a larger portion were incorrectly labeled and the bucket of 'covid deaths' that was left were no larger then the average flu season.

The elites sold you a virus (equivalent to the average flu season) as a 'deadly pandemic' so you could get injected with a experimental mystery juice (in 33 varying lots)*. How does that make you feel? Why don't you tell us about it bro? We're here for you. You seem like you're going through some cog dissonance or maybe niggling vax regret?

What else do you have? Is that it?

*The inconsistency across lots alone is highly criminal as pointed out recently by former Phizer director Dr. Yeadon.

ff to the 49 min mark is you want to save time and hear directly about the lot inconsistences.

you are just delusional schizophrenic low-IQ moron, kill yourself.

Oh wait, so another low pyramid of debate ad hominem attack. Probably should have read this last line first so I didn't type as much! I could call you out and warn or ban you but I won't. I'll just leave your low effort bad faith response hanging out there. Even though the reality on the ground is changing every day I think I have the truth on my side (even though this is a scary truth that many will continue to deny). I'm confident that anons, dissidents, alt righters, identitarians and other good faith posters and lurkers of DAR will see through to the truth. Even if it's difficult.

[–][deleted] 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

Yeah not reading your nonsense, my post is 100% in bad faith because you act as if calling people shills, obtuse and comparing them to faggots is good faith (while you are all for spreading diseases unchecked like your fellow homos).

1) on your list is race survival, yet you justify white overrepresentation in covid deaths with cormobidities. Truly a genius.

[–]send_nasty_stuffNational Socialist[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

1) on your list is race survival, yet you justify white overrepresentation in covid deaths with cormobidities. Truly a genius

Ok boomer