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[–]YJaewedwqewqClerical Fascist 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

  1. Glass the Juice, if not done already (Orange juice is a vital part of a healthy breakfast, after all)

  2. Demolish any religious building that isn't a Church, excepting historically important buildings. Non-Christian religions would be strictly monitored and certain religions like Islam and any form of Satanism (Wicca, etc.) banned entirely.

  3. Institute strict rules (basically segregation) for any non-Whites that are allowed to stay in the US.

  4. Ban degeneracy and enforce strict moral laws to eliminate the stains left on our society by jews and their pets. Homosexuality and other degenerate tendencies should be criminalized/treated as mental illnesses as they should be.

  5. Nationalize all healthcare, banking, education, and other vital institutions. Have the government promote and favor Nationalist companies and corporations (eventually, any non-nationalist companies should be forced to dissolve or have their leadership forcefully replaced)

  6. Finish instituting National Socialist policies and transition into a fully Corporatist system

  7. Build monuments to great European and American leaders and groups, such as William Dudley Pelley, George Lincoln Rockwell, and the great fascist leaders.

  8. Draft a constitution that strictly outlines how the nation should be run. Institute a policy similar to the Japanese idea of "kaizen": constant self improvement, in this case of the government, eliminating corruption, degeneracy, injustices, and other undesirable elements.

  9. Institute a semi-constitutional monarchy a la the German Empire, with all subversive political parties/groups banned, to take effect/full effect after I die or retire

This would realistically have to take place over quite a while, but in my opinion would create the best system. I probably left some details out for brevity's sake or from absentmindedness, but this covers the most important stuff.