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[–]VraiBleuScots Protestant, Ulster Loyalist 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (7 children)

I grew up in a time in this country's history where skin color/ethnicity was seen as mostly irrelevant.

Im sorry but no, you did not. White people, specifically, are taught not to care about their identity, or better yet to feel guilty over it but everyone else is actively encouraged to be proud of & collectivise around their race.

Perhaps you’ve had a different experience but it’s simply a fact that the establishment promotes anti-white policies through their institutions (media, education, government, etc) & this has a huge effect on the real world (otherwise they wouldn’t do it). Perhaps it was more insidious & less in your face when you were growing up but it was certainly happening & has been for a long time.

I've had plenty of non-white friends, and still do. Some of the smartest, most interesting people I've known have been non-whites. I never cared that they didn't look like me or shared my common ancestry

Good for you, I’ve connected with people from different backgrounds too, it’s not hard. Being able to be friends with people of other races has nothing to do with the fact that resources & political agency are being transferred away from your group (you) and towards theirs & that this won’t change until normal Europeans like yourself reassert themselves collectively.

Once people start blanket accusing me and people who look like me of atrocities or demanding things of me be because of my skin color, I tell them where they can stick it.

They already are, every single day and as a result your group (you) are being legally discriminated against in your own homeland. But that’s okay I guess, because you’re an ‘individual’…

Jews are white … Much like Armenians, they are indistinguishable from Europeans and are, thus, white

Ashkenazi Jews are genetically 50% white & 50% Semitic (middle-eastern). They are no more European than this person . They have their own unique ethno-religious identity stretching back thousands of years. They don’t even self identify as White & they actively work to harm white interests, so why on Earth would you put them in the same category as us?

[–]Richard_Parker[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

This guy gets it.

[–]VraiBleuScots Protestant, Ulster Loyalist 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Thanks lol. Check out the other guy’s reply, he literally goes through every single leftist trope from -

‘Europe has been diverse for thousands of years’ to

‘you realise there’s no such thing as a PURE white person, right?’ To

‘We all come from Africa anyway!’

The only thing we’re missing is ‘but what about the taco’s guys?? Think of the food!!!’

What a fucking NPC

[–]Richard_Parker[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I told him to eat shit, etc. I saw his later response. My intuition is that he and others who do not care about race or skin color will so soon enough.

[–]Flicksener 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

I grew up in the 90s, and I never gave a second thought to race up until a few years ago when the left started hammering its drum. I wasn't taught to "not see race," I simply didn't care about it because it was never emphasized. I never went out of my way to treat someone differently because of their ethnicity, and still don't, despite attempts by the far left and the far right to get me to do so. Both sides are wrong.

I don't care about my ethnicity. I don't categorize myself by whether or not I share a common European ancestry with a set of other individuals. I think this kind of thinking is incredibly shallow and dangerous considering no two individuals are the same even among family members, let alone large swaths of a population. Just because I happen to have European ancestry doesn't mean I'm automatically "part of the team," nor do I wish to be, nor do I owe you or any other person of the European persuasion allegiance "to the team," especially if this team wishes to exclude everyone who doesn't share their same bloodline from working together. I would never, ever want to belong to such a group, nor should you or anyone else. This kind of thinking is no better than the BLM nutjobs who believe all white people are demons. Yuck.

Your "Jews aren't white" argument could be made against literally any other white culture. White people have been mixing with non whites for thousands of years. If Jews aren't considered white because they intermingled with middle easterners millennia ago, neither are most other white cultures. It doesn't really matter how they choose to self identify. They are white. Also, you realize there's no such thing as a "pure white" culture, right? And that eventually, looking back long enough into the past, all cultures have a common ancestry in what was likely Africa? White people didn't magically descend from the sky one day and just start breeding with one another, probably. You look deep enough, and we all likely have some black in our genes.

[–]VraiBleuScots Protestant, Ulster Loyalist 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

I know you were taught not to care about your ethnicity, most white people were. That was my point… White people are taught to be individuals while other people’s are allowed to collectivise, putting us at a disadvantage.

until a few years ago when the left started hammering its drum

The 90’s had to happen to get to where we are today. Traditional culture & white identity had to be annihilated to make way for consumer-capitalism & today’s dystopia. You’ll never be able to freeze the clock in 1990, 1950 or whatever other idealised time period you have in your head. What’s happening today is simply a natural progression of Liberalism.

I think this kind of thinking is incredibly shallow and dangerous considering no two individuals are the same even among family members

I really don’t see your logic here. In what way is people banding together based on a common heritage ‘shallow’ & ‘dangerous’? It’s the natural state of humanity. What does no two people being exactly the same have to do with anything?

NOT collectivising Is dangerous, as we’ve seen in recent decades, it allows other groups to take advantage of you, & now we see white kids being beaten & murdered on the streets by packs of ‘refugees’, white women sexually assaulted en masse because their men won’t protect them, Jewish corporation embezzling trillions from our economy & teaching hate for us in the media. That is dangerous.

You seem to just believe these things because it’s the prevailing narrative, rather than showing any reasons. ‘TV says Nationalism is ‘shallow’ so ipso facto it is’

Your "Jews aren't white" argument could be made against literally any other white culture. White people have been mixing with non whites for thousands of years.

This is just nonsense that again, you seem to be picking up from the prevailing left wing narrative & parroting. I’ve seen these arguments proven false a thousand times.

The vast majority of Europeans can trace their ancestry back thousands of years to their local community. Go to any popular DNA testing website and browse the results, most people are 99%+ of one ethnic/racial group. Europeans from all nations also genetically cluster closer to each other than any non-European group.

‘Intermingling’ throughout history with your neighbours is not in any way the same as 50% of your dna being from another continent. That, for all intents makes them a separate group.

Also, you realize there's no such thing as a "pure white" culture, right?

White people didn't magically descend from the sky one day and just start breeding with one another,

So the fuck what? You seem to have built a massive straw man in your head of what Fascism is about, because I don’t see how any of what you’re babbling about in the last paragraph is relevant to what we’re discussing.

[–]Flicksener 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I can't speak to how races other than white were taught to think about themselves since I'm not nor ever have been nor ever likely will be anything but white. I'm sure, like most people in the US, some were taught to think of themselves as individuals and others were taught to see themselves as a collective. America being an individualistic culture, I was raised to see myself as an individual first, and I imagine the majority of people who grew up in this country have as well. In other countries, especially Communist orientated countries like China, they're likely taught to think themselves as part of a collective, hence, the majority likely do so.

Also, thinking of oneself as part of a collective isn't limited to non-whites. Plenty of white Europeans who come here, especially new immigrants, will always associate themselves as being part of their home country first. They will seek out others like them who share similar ancestry and, together, will form small collectives wherever they happen to be. So, it's not a phenomenon unique to non-whites. It's fairly common given human beings evolved to be part of and help support small groups of other, similar looking members, especially when they feel they've been discriminated against, hence the vast Irish and Italian groups that formed in many cities throughout early America when they too were demonized because of their culture.

I think the reason for the racial disharmony of today, proliferation of social media aside, is the rise in world population, specifically the population of non-whites in traditionally white countries such as the US and much of Europe. The more intelligent and rich a culture, the slower its rate of reproduction, and vice versa, hence the decline of white people. Whether or not this is deliberate, I don't know. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. Maybe there's a vast conspiracy by the "elites" to wipe out white people from the earth for some reason (many of them being white themselves - secret sadists perhaps?), or maybe it's just a consequence of cultural success over time. I'm not a scientist or a sociologist so I couldn't tell you. Sure, it's alarming, but it's a problem so far off into the distance (hundreds, if not thousands of years, assuming no major world changes), I'm sure something worse will arise well before then and demand our attention, likely climate or technology related (AI).

"In what way is people banding together based on a common heritage ‘shallow’ & ‘dangerous’?"

If you decide to band together with a group of people strictly because of your shared heritage and nothing else, you deprive yourself of the opportunity to meet, learn from, and work with people of other ethnicities who may be smarter or more knowledgeable or more skilled than you are. It's the difference between a country like the United States, where anyone skilled enough can make it to the top of whatever field they pursue and, thus, contribute positively to the overall culture (and, sometimes, the world) through their contributions, and a place like Afghanistan, where, regardless of your skills or intelligence level, if you don't happen to be the right skin color, worship the right god, or be the correct gender, you'll be lucky to even be allowed to sweep the floors. If you build a culture based strictly on heritage rather than merit, over time, you get the difference between a bustling mega-civilization and a place where a good chunk of your population lives in shacks. The United States is a living example of what happens when you let the cream rise to the top. Or at least, it was.

I'm not against collectivism, I'm just against doing so on strictly racial grounds. If you told me you wanted to collectivize based on skill or intelligence or moral/ethical grounds, I don't think I'd have a problem with it. But to restrict yourself simply by ethnicity, in this day and age, would be cultural suicide. There's plenty of dumb, ignorant white people I would never want to group myself alongside, and plenty of brilliant non-whites I would gladly join with, if push came to shove. And vice versa. Nothing to do with any prevailing narrative, it's just an observable fact of life: if you want to be part of a successful group, whether it be social or professional, in business or global, you should strive to surround yourself with intelligent, skilled individuals you can work well with, regardless of their ethnic backgrounds.

What constitutes as "white" for you, exactly? How many years of European lineage must one have before he's considered truly white? Is it 2000 years? 5000? How many generations back must it go? Would one non-white ancestor thrown into the mix at any point mess things up, or are a few here and there allowed? What is considered pure?

[–]VraiBleuScots Protestant, Ulster Loyalist 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

But to restrict yourself simply by ethnicity, in this day and age, would be cultural suicide.

Sure, that’s why almost every homogenous white society is stable, with a high quality of life whereas every multi-ethnic country is a shit hole. ‘Forget about all the rape & murder, we need millions more Nigerians in our country or it’ll be cultural suicide guys! Think of the ethnic food!’ /s…

The United States is a living example of what happens when you let the cream rise to the top

The USA was 90% white in 1965 (i.e when it was successful. It’s 55% white today. How does that fit into your theory?

What constitutes as "white" for you, exactly? How many years of European lineage must one have before he's considered truly white? Is it 2000 years? 5000? How many generations back must it go? Would one non-white ancestor thrown into the mix at any point mess things up

Colour-spectrum fallacy. Just because green eventually merges into blue doesn’t mean ‘blue’ or ‘green’ do not exist.

Everyone knows what white means, except from people like you playing dumb. People don’t go to BLM forums & say ‘what even is black anyway?’ It’s just Europeans that receive this type of deconstruction.