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[–]Hates__PeachPeach Leftists Hate 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I don't adhere to any organized religion. I don't accept Christianity because Left-liberalism is for me a secularized Christian heresy, one having stripped out God, the afterlife, sin, morality, etc., leaving behind only things I oppose, like the universalist nonsense and guilt culture. It is obvious that the figures pivotal to the rise of liberalism were surrounded everywhere by Christianity given the times and places they were in. It is also obvious that ideologies are influenced by existing ideologies, whether these influences are positive (the ideology is a branch or splinter that maintains most of an existing ideology, e.g. socialism is simply radical liberalism, claiming that liberalism is well-intentioned but cannot sufficiently realize what it intends to realize) or negative (the ideology is a rejection of an existing ideology, for example, in the sense that the 'Dissident-Right' big tent shares in common an explicit rejection of 'progressivism'). Thus even those who believed themselves to be less or anti-Christian would still be working within branches of Christianity to various extents, supporting some parts of it and criticizing others. Left-liberalism simply comes out of that process, accepting Christian values in some regards while replacing the rest with far worse things, e.g. 'original sin' with 'White privilege', the saints with the 'oppressed' like Saint Trayvon and Saint Floyd. 'Thank you, George Floyd, for sacrificing your life for justice', as stated by Pelosi, doesn't sound much different from the usual Christian 'Jesus died for your sins'. Jesus was crucified because the world is sinful; Floyd was 'sacrificed' because the world is unjust.

However, I'm largely theistic on metaphysics, and find atheism to be utter absurdity. Atheists themselves seem to constantly want a pat on the back; not for doing or believing, but for not doing or not believing. And how hard is it not to do or believe in something? You believe in... nothing... great achievement, man, you should be real proud of yourself. It's like sitting on a couch stuffing one's face full of Cheetos for hours on end in front of the Talmudvision and thinking: 'This is so productive!'

In conclusion, I find atheists (especially the radical, pompous, sneering and snivelling provocateurs who actively push their belief in nothing while being constantly self-congratulatory and self-promoting: 'I'm so smart, anyone who is religious is so superstitious and dumb!') to be utter blowhards, and am theistic while non-religious. I believe that religious folks and atheists are both wrong, but that the former are much less harmful than the latter (by which I mean, for example, that Christianity, Buddhism and Islam are far better than communism or anarchism). There is obviously that one tribe whose religion is worse even than the atheist creeds, of course, being the exception to the rule.

[–]Ponderer[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I don't accept Christianity because Left-liberalism is for me a secularized Christian heresy

I feel the same way.

I believe that religious folks and atheists are both wrong, but that the former are much less harmful than the latter (by which I mean, for example, that Christianity, Buddhism and Islam are far better than communism or anarchism).

I also agree on this as well.