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[–]Thiswaycomrads 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Best case scenario? Brazil. Worst case scenario? South Africa. And by my own projections we seem to be moving more towards south Africa then Brazil. Way higher crime. A elite that is straight up hostile towards their own citizens and neighbors. Massive wealth inequality where they enjoy amazing lies where everyone else works 14 hour shifts and barely pay rent. Massive racial problem everywhere. Dysfunctional everything bc spics and niggers can't run jack shit. It's basically over. Probably as a race too since white people sure love to fuck and hook up but nobody really wants any kids past 1 if that. Oh well. I guess intelligence just is not that important from a evolutionary perspective. The more dumb and violent species that pops out babies like rabbits will beat any race that's more peaceful and smart and only produce 1 kid. Oh well.