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[–]SamiAlHayyidGrand Mufti Imam Sheikh Professor Al Hadji Dr. Sami al-Hayyid 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Another example of this can be found in the video game Fallout 3 (2008). A highly organized group of uncontaminated humans called the "Enclave" try to recivilize the post-apoc wasteland. Their means to achieve this involve exterminating all mutations by contaminating all water with a substance that will poison only those who are mutated. The protagonist canonically completes the game by defeating this faction, thereby ensuring that the anarchic wasteland continues on.

Order = bad, anarchy = good. Check. Anarchy canonically wins.

The pro-order, evil faction is "Nazi-ish". Yep, they want to exterminate everyone for reasons of purity. The mutated are analogous to the J's; uncontaminated humans, to the Aryan race; poisoning water supplies, to gas chambers.

An additional howler is that the Enclave is descended from the pre-apoc US government. "US government are Nazis". Check.

This reasoning also plays out on a smaller scale elsewhere in the game. For example, there is a tower inhabited by bourgeois types insulated somewhat from the wasteland. Here there is a man who wants a much more anarchic nearby settlement to be nuked for little reason other than that it spoils the view that he has from the top of the tower. He also shoots random people from there with a sniper rifle as some sort of fun hobby.

So, the forces of order again come off as cartoonishly evil, and nuking the settlement is indeed considered an "evil" act within the game's own "karma" system.

The game is thus overwhelmingly the product of left-liberal minds. It presents the anarchic wasteland as worth defending from the forces of order, who are additionally the closest thing to a legitimate successor of the US government. Fascinatingly it doesn't even portray the wasteland as anything short of horrid, but it still wants you to defend it against the greater evil of a people whose ends are so obviously desirable but whose means are essentially the Holocaust. We should thus defend savagery against civilization rather than have the Holocaust happen again.

It is worth mentioning that the same highly exclusive force are also the antagonists in Fallout 2 (1998). However, in Fallout 1 (1997) the antagonists are in many respects the precise opposite, highly inclusive to the point of wanting to unite everybody through subjecting them to extreme mutation. Here, mutation is not grounds for extermination but the criteria for entrance into a sort of Kalergite mixed race assimilating everyone it encounters. They basically flipped the villains from being degenerate commies wiping out all true diversity through radical inclusion to their polar opposites, i.e. exclusive human purists/supremacists aspiring to kill everything mutated.

The Ukrainian Metro game series in some ways is even more clownish. In Metro Last Light (2013) there is a scene in which literal Slavic Nazis measure a man's skull. They find that his skull is larger than they find acceptable, which they believe is the result of mutation, and thus promptly shoot him in the head.

The Just Cause video game series also follows this same kind of reasoning. For example, in Just Cause 3 (2015) the protagonist is in a functional open-world ruled by a cartoonish dictator. You have to overthrow his nationalistic, orderly regime so that a bunch of moronic leftists who couldn't run a bath properly can take over.