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[–]cisheteroscumWhite Nationalist 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

The economic arguments against the Ethnostate always seem to imply we could never assign a monetary value to independence. How much of my real income to I have to give up to get the Ethnostate? 25%? 50%? Either way that's reasonable (for me) if it comes to that

We move 70% of goods by truck in the US that would no longer be flowing in and out of that former state most likely.

I don't think an economic embargo is that likely. Almost all corporations today are multinational (and multistate). Ideally, when the US breaks up, it will simultaneously break up into several successor states (say, 10) who will have a mutual interest in not engaging in trade wars, etc. In any case we can assume that there will some economic and political drawbacks (at first anyways) - but, these are acceptable (within reason) assuming the main goal is achieved

Assuming the Federal Govt would allow succession to happen in the first place.

The Federal government is made up of the states though. And if West Coast liberals and southern republican all want to secede, why are they going to fight eachother? The military (for now) is also largely made up of conservative whites. Who will probably not fight white breakaway state, and many would defect.

This is all worth its own post tho

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

seem to imply we could never assign a monetary value to independence. How much of my real income to I have to give up to get the Ethnostate? 25%? 50%? Either way that's reasonable (for me) if it comes to that

Less money is one thing, but it would be like being an average black person living in South Africa. Charge your phone from the communal car battery kind of situation. You wouldn't have access to your same standard of living.

I don't think an economic embargo is that likely

It would cost them nothing to cut you off for no other reason than to punish what they perceive as insolence.

The military (for now) is also largely made up of conservative whites.

The rank and file is mostly minorities. It's a path to citizenship.