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[–]SamiAlHayyidGrand Mufti Imam Sheikh Professor Al Hadji Dr. Sami al-Hayyid 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Whilst one really doesn't want one of these morons to be conducting a life-saving surgery or something similar on you, this generally seems like a positive development:

Firstly, it faster causes harm/instability than if they did not do this. Practically any form of harm/instability is good; for example, it distracts the System and forces them to focus less on hunting dissidents, and it faster makes people inclined to give up on varying worthless identities that merely impede the development of racial consciousness (e.g. 'Americanism').

Secondly, it makes the State inept. The more people like this who get into the halls of power instead of more competent people, the more likely they are to be the ones hunting down dissidents. We want these people tasked with that job rather than higher-agency people specifically because they're stupid. Likewise, we want people like this to handle Left-wing extremism, because they're either sympathetic to it and or too inept to address it, and so enable it in practice. Open Left-wing extremism is almost always good.

Thirdly, like so many things, it blurs the line between reality and comedy. The whole article would have been outrageous and unbelievable until relatively recently... but in 'Clown World' it is an objective reality. Unless people become accustomed to such things, it will again lead to people generally withdrawing from the wider society.