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[–]Richard_Parker 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I only briefly skimmed the article.

I am somewhat of a realist and understand the GOP can only be reformed so much. BUt over the past 60-80 years, it has been wholly ineffectual against modern liberalism. Nothing more than a break pad, and in that way has actually facillitated the left to regulate speed lest the left inexorable march to insanity derail.

My take on Trump is this (borrowing from somethings Tucker said). He did a great job shaking stuff up, asked questions no one has asked for a lifetime (why is the GOP not minding the border, why is the GOP not protecting American workers by colluding with unfair trade deals). Despite not being the most articulate fellow, he is a great communicator. He can rile people on both sides.

But he was not a good executive. Not all of it is his fault. Not by a long shot. But let's not forget the naked, repulsive nepotism by putting his family in places he should not, most notably that disgusting whore and plastic Barbie doll with her Jewy trojan horse of a hubby. Also, he foresaw perfectly the very election shenanigans coming. And he did nothing to stop, failing to understand something like that needed to be stopped BEFORE it happened.

Absent a military dictatorship (not really possible given the leftist infilatration in the military), the best possible outcome is for Ron DeSantis to lead the 2024 nomination. Trump, being so great at communicating, riling people up on both sides, should do a long format show that is sort of a cross between Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones. He would get the numbers to make money. while not pissing off But, by handing the reigns over to DeSantis, DeSantis could also do the Dick Morris triangulation bit, absorbing Trumps strenghts while deflecting his weaknesses. The guy can talk about responsible immigration policies and the like while deflecting some of Trums more controversial, "insensitive comments." Plus the left will have blown their fucking load on Trump and will be substantially weaker in their outrage against DeSantis. In the end though, even DeSantis will only delay the inevitable. Everything is already cooked in the books. A delay of 10-20 years is what we need to help get more lemmings wake up. Although if the past year has not turned droves of normie whites to the far right, I really do wonder if anything will.