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[–]SamiAlHayyidGrand Mufti Imam Sheikh Professor Al Hadji Dr. Sami al-Hayyid 9 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 0 fun10 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Speaking of overt, criminogenic anti-Whiteness, have at look at what someone found inside a BLM social media group:

There's a great deal of genocidal, violence-inciting propaganda in there, including 'White Existence is White Supremacy' and 'It Ain't Murder When It's For Equality'.

The first statement is remarkably explicit. At the very least it claims (and this is how White Leftists will attempt to downplay its genocidal potential) that Whites who simply identify as White rather than as 'human' are problematic. That is, the mere act of identifying with race over 'humanity' makes one the same as any other 'racist'.

But the better interpretation is the face value one, as claiming that Whites regardless of how they identify are problematic. This more direct and obvious interpretation, in which White is simply an ascribed characteristic, which is how the overwhelming majority of people see 'Whiteness', rather than a matter of self-identification, effectively means that even deracialized Whites are problematic. They are simply problematic by virtue of immutable characteristics; that is, the very things that they have no power to change. Solving the problem can only mean destroying those who possess those characteristics, after all, nothing that Whites could actually do (including actively working against their own racial in-group) would stop from them being White.

The second statement is also thinly veiled incitement to genocide. We can see here that the 'racism = privilege + power' argument which has been used to racialize 'racism' itself is now being applied to 'murder'. That is to say that 'racism' is something that only certain people (the criteria for inclusion into the offending category is strangely race itself) can be responsible for. This slogan extends this reasoning to the act of killing itself. It is not 'murder' if the oppressed kills the oppressor. It is only murder if the oppressor kills the oppressed. Now racialize the oppressor-oppressed dichotomy in the way that the White Left and non-whites do. White maps onto oppressor. Non-white maps onto oppressed. The message becomes remarkably clear: It is only murder if Whites kill non-whites. It is not murder if non-whites kill Whites.

But those two perhaps aren't the worst. There is one that simply depicts the execution of Whites by blacks, accompanied by the remarkably straightforward slogan 'Yes All Whites'. The message couldn't be clearer: Yes, all Whites need to be killed like the ones in the graphic. No, it is not 'All non-deracialized Whites'. It is not 'All non-leftist Whites'. They are not 'Nazis' or 'Trump supporters' in that picture. Just ordinary people. Perhaps they even vote Democrat and support BLM. It simply means exactly what it says. All Whites.

We can similarly analyze other statements found there, like 'White Life Doesn't Matter', 'All Whites Are Nazis' and 'Do Not Resuscitate White People', but what's the point? The conclusion of all of these slogans is effectively the same; namely, that Whites are evil and should be killed. First, they draw vile pictures and write vile words expressing their intentions; next, they attempt it.