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[–]Wrangel 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Civilizations go through cycles and the Soviet union went through its life cycle faster than the countries in the west. Since the Soviet union collapsed in relatively recent years it will in many ways be more similar to what will happen in our countries than previous collapses. When I talk about collapse I am not talking about a doomsday prepper collapse, I am more talking about a period of chaos that opens up new opportunities just like how much of the former Soviet union is better today it is possible parts of the west would be better off 20-30 years after the collapse of the American empire.

But perhaps the most glaring similarility is in the loss of faith in the system.

The system is incapable of solving problems. A good example is the high speed rail line between LA and San Francisco. The line is taking ages to build and will cost a fortune and the project is completely mismanaged. Covid was a failiure and America could neither accept deaths and keep society open nor properly eradicate the virus like Vietnam and China and open back up. Instead it has been a long slow mess. The politicians can't solve housing, they can't deliver cheap medical care, they can't balance the budget and they are out of touch. Elites that can't solve problems and can't deliver do not last.