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[–]Nasser 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

The White race has recovered numerous times in history from economic difficulties,what we cannot recover from is irreversible demographic change.It is our job as a movement to convince Whites to sacrifice materialism for values far greater.And no Whites in general did not vote for immigration and diversity. The Hart Cellar act was passed under premise it wouldn't significantly alter demographics, at the time according to polls only 7 percent wanted increased immigration and a much larger number wanted a reduction in immigration. In the 90s there was a referendum in California over granted services to illegal immigrants, the majority voted against in the referendum until a jewish judge overturned the referendum.

Look at the UK and the recent Hong Kong horde decision introduced by jew dominic raab, Brits were given no say on this, the media deliberately decline to cover it substantially despite the massive implications of this sort of decision.

White Australians were given no say on the end of White Australia,there was no referendum,no vote at all.

Europeans do not want ethnic replacement.

And it is our job to mobilize them,identify the enemies,look long term and act to defend themselves and their children.

[–]radicalcentristNational Centrism[S] 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

The White race has recovered numerous times in history from economic difficulties,what we cannot recover from is irreversible demographic change.It is our job as a movement to convince Whites to sacrifice materialism for values far greater.And no Whites in general did not vote for immigration and diversity. The Hart Cellar act was passed under premise it wouldn't significantly alter demographics, at the time according to polls only 7 percent wanted increased immigration and a much larger number wanted a reduction in immigration.

Speaking of Canada, Justin Trudeau literally ran on a platform calling for the end of a "national" Canadian state and basically embraced the idea he wanted to make the country completely multicultural. He won such election twice, even when there was an explicit anti-immigration party running a few years ago that barely cracked more than 2% of the federal vote. There's no need to focus on Hart-Celler anymore, once the immigration flood gates was opened, White people didn't run another major politician who wanted to stop it, or he never received enough votes to make a difference.

In the 90s there was a referendum in California over granted services to illegal immigrants, the majority voted against in the referendum until a jewish judge overturned the referendum. Look at the UK and the recent Hong Kong horde decision introduced by jew dominic raab, Brits were given no say on this,

This only proves my point. The issue just isn't serious enough otherwise, we should see massive protest in response. Remember the 2003 Iraq War? Technically, George Bush didn't run on a "bomb foreign countries" platform, yet once he did pass such an order, there where protests all over the world calling for the USA to leave. If a bunch of Hong Kongers were known to come to Britain, yet native Brits aren't forming human chains around airports trying to stop them, then it sounds like they may have other issues on their mind. I could use the same example for Australia.

And it is our job to mobilize them,identify the enemies,look long term and act to defend themselves and their children.

George Lincoln Rockwell did this. And so did Enoch Powell. Keep in mind, these men literally existed when their countries where 80% white or more, and yet they still lost to more popular candidates who wanted to end segregation or import immigrants from the colonies.

Again, I have to differ from the Alt-right's belief that White people were always kept in the dark on demographic change or that they're too clueless on their own. You only have to look at the platforms of the two leading parties to see what is their stance on diversity. White nationalism never registers. Alternate parties do exist but like in my Canada example, they barely paved a dent against Trudeau being re-elected twice.

You eventually have to look at the science and understand that these nations now have cultures or social expectations in place that aren't going to deport millions of people or take away their citizenships by force. Especially when minority non-white groups are already on pace to become the next majority, killing any chances of them voting to remove themselves from Canada or the U.S.

[–]somewherenear 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Justin Trudeau has a minority government. The vast majority of Canadians, at least the whites, do not want more immigrants.

[–]radicalcentristNational Centrism[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Justin Trudeau has a minority government.

He still has the majority of seats and can easily work with other left-wing parties to pass his agenda.

The vast majority of Canadians, at least the whites, do not want more immigrants.

The only anti-immigration party in 2019 got 1.6% of the total votes. The level of disproval is clearly not working at the polls.

Ironically, the only group who actually takes it seriously are Chinese Canadians. There was an incident a while ago where they protested against refugees coming.