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[–]SoylentCapitalist[S] 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Why on Earth would any society want to import groups of people with high IQ who will inevitably form a part of their elite and will have no affection or sympathy for the people in their new home?

It doesn't have to be and shouldn't be elite-level IQ. Within the context I meant more along the lines of those simply less likely to commit crime. Minorities with an IQ around 105 will not take over the elite of a nation if they have a much lower population percentage than whites to begin with. I'd also advocate for personality to be taken into account - if migrants were to be accepted.

As I've stated before though this shouldn't get anywhere near the level where it threatens whites, an ethnostate with a minimum white population of 75% is necessary. This is just for the US though, in ancestral homelands like Europe the white minimum should be more like 90%.

Edit: In a classroom of 30 people it will have 2 whites with 120 IQ and one non-white with 120 IQ. Assuming it is 75% white with an average IQ of 100 and 25% non-white with an average IQ of 105. 120 IQ is the average of doctors, so about 1/3rd of all doctors could be non-white even if only 25% of the society is non-white. After doing the math, I see your point. It's probably unacceptable in a society even at 105 IQ minorities.