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[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)


To understand the great importance of it, here you can read the Foreword to Metta's book written by the appreciated journalist and writer Jim DeBrosse, Paz Rosas writes:

WHEN New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison discovered in 1967 the links to the JFK assassination among local businessman Clay Shaw, anti-Castro groups, the CIA and a murky world trade promotion group known as “CMC-Permindex,” Garrison was truly, as the title of his 1988 book declaims, “on the trail of the assassins.” Unfortunately, as we all know, Garrison didn’t get very far in his prosecution of Shaw and his fellow conspirators.

Garrison’s investigation was sabotaged from the inside by FBI and CIA agents and sympathizers and from the outside by the disappearance of key witnesses. Some simply fled to other states, where governors refused to extradite them for Garrison’s case. And, of course, his star witness, David Ferrie — an associate of both Shaw and alleged assassin Lee Harvey Oswald — died under mysterious circumstances of a cerebral hemorrhage less than a week after he learned of Garrison’s investigation. Adding insult (more accurately, slander) to injury, Garrison was pilloried in the media as an egomaniac and loose cannon making wild accusations against innocent people, especially “poor” Clay Shaw who — despite the repeated denials at the time, both personal and official — was later revealed to be a CIA agent.

No one in the U.S. media, nor among America’s independent JFK investigators, was brave or perhaps smart enough to “follow the money” and enter the investigative door so courageously and widely opened by Garrison. The Montreal paper Le Devoir and the Italian leftist newspaper Paese Sera were the first to report on the workings of CMC-Permindex in articles published in March 1967, not long after Jim Garrison arrested Shaw. Paese Sera wrote that CMC (Centro Mondiale Commerciale) “was the creature of the CIA … set up as a cover for the transfer of CIA … funds in Italy for illegal political-espionage activities.”

It wasn’t until decades later in the 1990s that CMC-Permindex received any mainstream attention at all in America. That’s when, thanks to the release of Oliver Stone’s movie JFK in 1991, Garrison’s book became a best seller.

So now, more than 50 years after the failed prosecution of Shaw, someone has done an actual documented investigation into the history, aims, operations and tangled international relationships of CMC-Permindex. Not surprisingly, that man – Michele Metta – is an Italian, not an American, journalist. Having finally found the CMC internal papers, including the minutes of their board of directors’ meetings, Metta has been able to examine the workings of CMC from the inside. The resulting book is a major breakthrough in the JFK murder case, documenting startling new information that goes to the root of the complex and tangled international conspiracy behind the assassination.

The bottom line in Metta’s investigation is this: starting in the late 1950s, CMC-Permindex acted as the covert funding and planning source for right-wing political terror in both Europe and the U.S., including the assassination of JFK. The board membership and financial resources of CMC-Permindex included men associated with the CIA, the American and Italian Freemasons as well as American and Italian organized crime, Italian and German neo-fascists and neo-Nazis, the Israeli Mossad and Israel’s early leaders and Zionist supporters, and the French secret paramilitary organization, OAS, enraged at de Gaulle for having ceded Algeria to the Arabs.

All of these groups represented different and sometimes conflicting interests but shared one key characteristic — they were rabidly anti-Communist and rabidly anti-Soviet and willing to maim, kill and assassinate to stop the perceived threat to a conservative world order.

But don’t take my word for it. Read Metta’s book carefully as well as his documentation. I think you’ll agree it marks a stunning leap forward in unraveling — at long last — the dark truth behind the murder that changed the course of modern American and international history.


Here's the kicker; if we take the people's word, we get a Joseph P,. Kennedy who did not like the lot of political Jews:

According to Harvey Klemmer, who served as one of Kennedy’s embassy aides, Kennedy habitually referred to Jews as “kikes or sheenies”. Kennedy allegedly told Klemmer that “[some] individual Jews are all right, Harvey, but as a race they stink. They spoil everything they touch.” When Klemmer returned from a trip to Germany and reported the pattern of vandalism and assaults on Jews by Nazis, Kennedy responded, “Well, they brought it on themselves.”

On June 13, 1938, Kennedy met with Herbert von Dirksen, the German ambassador to the United Kingdom, in London, who claimed upon his return to Berlin that Kennedy had told him that “it was not so much the fact that we want to get rid of the Jews that was so harmful to us, but rather the loud clamor with which we accompanied this purpose. [Kennedy] himself fully understood our Jewish policy.” Kennedy’s main concern with such violent acts against German Jews as Kristallnacht was that they generated bad publicity in the West for the Nazi regime, a concern that he communicated in a letter to Charles Lindbergh.

Kennedy had a close friendship with Viscountess Nancy Witcher Langhorne, wife of Viscount Waldorf Astor of the Astor family. The correspondence between them is reportedly replete with anti-Semitic statements. According to Edward Renehan:

As fiercely anti-Communist as they were anti-Semitic, Kennedy and Astor looked upon Adolf Hitler as a welcome solution to both of these “world problems” (Nancy’s phrase)….. Kennedy replied that he expected the “Jew media” in the United States to become a problem, that “Jewish pundits in New York and Los Angeles” were already making noises contrived to “set a match to the fuse of the world”.

By August 1940, Kennedy worried that a third term as the President for Roosevelt would mean war. As Leamer reports, “Joe believed that Roosevelt, Churchill, the Jews, and their allies would manipulate America into approaching Armageddon.” Nevertheless, Kennedy supported Roosevelt’s third term in return for Roosevelt’s promise to support Joseph Kennedy Jr. in a run for Governor of Massachusetts in 1942. However, even during the darkest months of World War II, Kennedy remained “more wary of” prominent American Jews, such as Associate Justice Felix Frankfurter, than he was of Hitler.