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[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)


I wrote this quickly but I thought you'd find it interesting. Research further if you must.

Firstly, before I mention anything, know that all countries around the world, all states, and almost all towns in the US are for-profit private corporations. The UNITED STATES is more a quasi-public/private for-profit corporation and not one search index, even privacy respecting engines, will allow such a truth. I invite you to read Chisholm vs. Georgia 1793; all of it. And then read old law books by Pufendorf, Coke, Black, Hobbes, etc. The money power hopes you read 21st century pointless conspiracy theoretician books blaming the illuminati for every woe under the sun. The UNITED STATES was set up as a protection racket corporation with bandits and slaves. It has always been a corporation, and the revolution was NEVER WON. Ask yourself, why do not the politicians follow the constitution? Sure, some do, but it is obvious that the media on both sides, a lot of them foreign agents, are privy to destroy the constitution which is merely a company paper for the UNITED STATES. After all, no farmer or mechanic ever had a hand in writing or signing the constitution. It was lawyers, politicians, land speculators and bankers.

Does this make me a communist for attacking a piece of paper? Well, firstly, I do not serve the US, I serve God but what I do find is that the constitution worked to inhibit foreign corporate interests from destroying or looting the US corporation. See how that works! It is never the outsiders or foreign corporate countries that the money men in the corporation tell you to hate which leads to destruction of a nation-state (corporation), rather, it is the money men and greed situated and positioned in high power within the corporation. In the modern case, we see that likely Trump and Biden and most definitely most statesmen in the UK have secret nominee accounts in Chinese markets, literally betting against their host countries. It’s game theory after all. Nothing more.

Do you think intelligence agencies are ignorant on who did 9/11? The FBI knew who did 9/11. They connected many Mossad agents to the 9/11 event. They even called their investigation 'TwinBomb.' As in, the Twin Towers were bombed. So why the cover-up, why the silence? Unfortunately, silence of noble lies, according to the US corporation, hold a society together; whether, that expression be uttered out of the dirty mouth of the neocon trotskyite Leo Strauss or the FBI, they all have their agendas for keeping their mouths shut. It’s better, they contend, that what we know remain locked up forever. So, you see, within the corporation, every fool is trying to one-up the other or if they are not doing this, scratch each other backs for favors. And so the politics within the corporation are not a monolith, there are thousands of competing ideologues all under the jurisdiction of game theory. For instance, this:

“Woe unto lawyers who take away the key of knowledge” Yeshua.

Obama hired Cass Sunstein to infiltrate the 9/11 truth movement and now he is on the board of the WHO and vaccine awareness committee. Sunstein is a Zionist Jew fond of the Likud corporation.

We know that Obama was not a hard-core right-wing Likudnik. In fact, he angered Netanyahu with some of his decisions despite the US corporation sending over a billion dollar welfare check. so why would he push this operation?

This is why:

"This denial of history has policy relevance for the United States: Mass rejection of the facts (lies: my word) of 9/11 undermines U.S. global counterterrorism efforts."

^ ^ ^ This is the Washington Post admitting that 9/11 truth hurts US efforts at using terrorism as an excuse for imperialism. So, whoever did 9/11 need not matter to the US corporation when ideologues within its ranks can use it as an excuse for geopolitical agendas.

9/11 truth hinders US and Israeli foreign policy agendas, remember that when some media dumdum like the progressive Zionist, Aaron Mate, tells you that it's a "waste of time". * Obama's speech writer, a ZioCon.

  • Bush's speech writer, ZioCon.

    • Bush Sr. speech writers, a host of shabbas Zionist goys and ZioCons.
  • Reagan's speech writer also a ZioCon, who boasted about the coming demolition of the twin towers.

Frum considers himself "a not especially observant Jew".[18] Alexander Hamilton and Abraham Lincoln are among his favorite historical figures.[83] Marcel Proust is his favorite novelist.[15]

Frum is obsessed about Israel and lying. And Hamilton and Lincoln were both Jews elevated by the swiss Jewish banker Seligman and co., and various crypto-Jews and industrialists for the money power to create a central bank based on permanent public debt. Perfect for neoconservative foreign policy intervention which debt could then be mortgaged unto unborn generations. He also was fond of the Jew Barry Goldwater, who authored a bill that monopolized the media and who also denounced Fulbright, who will be mentioned below.

In the twisted minds of the neocons that perpetrated the 9/11 events, 9/11 was the perfect noble lie, undertaken to promote their noble cause, described in their position paper: "Project for the New American Century” (PNAC). The consensus was unipolar, preemptive warfare that benefited both unipolarists and Zionists who align with Israel’s Likud.

On saidit and reddit, you’ll see a host of characters that state that "Jesuits control the world." These propagandists try to cover-up the fact that JFK and his father were Catholics, the latter more traditional than the former. One user here tried to flip the narrative so that JFK was actually secretly working for the protestants to take down the Jesuit Catholics. Absurd, considering that all the declassified Permindex documents illustrate the exact opposite. Traditional Catholics, after all, were against the war (Vietnam and Iraq), whereas most Masons and Jewish and non-Jewish Zionists were for the war. Daniel Berrigan and Phillip Berrigan, both Jesuit priests met up with French Jesuits who criticized the social and political conditions in Indochina. Taking inspiration from this, he and his brother Philip founded the Catholic Peace Fellowship, a group that organized protests against the war in Vietnam.

The Catonsville Nine were nine Catholic activists who burned draft files to protest the Vietnam War. On May 17, 1968, they went to the draft board in Catonsville, Maryland, took 378 draft files, brought them to the parking lot in wire baskets, dumped them out, poured over them homemade napalm (an incendiary used extensively by the US military in Vietnam), and set them on fire.